Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

That is such a darling picture!

I have a bit of a sad story.
3 weeks ago I got 13 fertile eggs in the mail. Out of the 13, only 4 were even hatch-able. So, we put those 4 under our broody silkies. Fast-forward 5 days. I candled the eggs and saw that only 1 was even developing. Oh well, at least we got one at all! Fast-forward 10 more days. I candled again and the developing egg's air cell was way too big. But I still had hope in it! 6 days later (yesterday) I woke up at 6:30 to peeping. The chick that hatched was a blue OEGB. I was so excited I was jumping up and down! But it only had one eye. I left for an early soccer game, but when I came back , there was no peeping. We looked under her momma, and we couldn't find her. We searched frantically, and finally found her cold in the other side of the cage. She was dead. Her stomach was ripped open. We think her mom probably killed her. I was distraught.
But, as we were driving home from a sport event, we remembered that we would be driving by a lady's house that could give us eggs. So we stopped by her house and picked up 5 more eggs! A few minutes ago I set them under my broody. Wish me luck!
should have got Gold Top eggs ;)
If a broody sits on a fertile egg for like 4 hours, can it be removed and stored as a fertile hatching egg or will it no longer be storable as such? Maybe losing its ability to develop later on if put in an incubator.
If a broody sits on a fertile egg for like 4 hours, can it be removed and stored as a fertile hatching egg or will it no longer be storable as such? Maybe losing its ability to develop later on if put in an incubator.

Some people have great success shipping eggs after incubating them for a Day or two. They incubate then pack for shipment which could last a day or two.

Some people have great success shipping eggs after incubating them for a Day or two. They incubate then pack for shipment which could last a day or two.


that's very helpful. I couldn't find much information about that specific issue. I am taking eggs out of a coop with many hens laying in one box and a broody sitting on it until I can get them in the afternoon where they go into storage. Maybe next week I will let her sit on some.
thanks so much and should I get her off the nest for a little bit everyday to eat and drink or should I put the food and water in with her.

I've done it both ways, leaving food & water in with her and taking her out once a day to do her stuff. Either way is fine. I've had to clean up poop in with her no matter which way I did it. I guess when she had to go she had to go.
Hello I have a little silkie hen that is going broody for the first time and my first chicken to ever go broody. I am wanting to know what I need to know when a hen is broody so I can be prepared she is setting on 3 fake eggs right now she will be getting her real eggs tomorrow. I have her in a nest with other silkies, Will she and the eggs ( when they hatch ) be ok with the other silkies or should I move her in another broody coop. Will she raise the chicks when they hatch, and can she eat chick starter for right now and when they chicks hatch or can I have her regular food in the nest box with her when the chicks hatch. Please answer back soon thanks.

                                                           ~ Brannon

I saw that you had your feed questions answered. But I wasn't sure if anyone answered the housing question. Whether or not she will be fine with the other silkies depends on factors like her place in the pecking order and how aggressive the other silkies are towards each other and how mellow she is in personality.

In my flock, in addition to several different breeds of large fowl chickens, I have a sweet tiny silky named Topsy who hatched out some silky mixed chicks 9 weeks ago and silky chicks 17 weeks ago. I've noticed that even with the age differences the silkies all hang out together in the yard and get along well with each other. They are not aggressive towards each other or the other flock members.

However, with that said, Topsy will attack anyone, Silkies included, when she is broody and her babies are nearby and she feels threatened.
I saw that you had your feed questions answered. But I wasn't sure if anyone answered the housing question. Whether or not she will be fine with the other silkies depends on factors like her place in the pecking order and how aggressive the other silkies are towards each other and how mellow she is in personality.
In my flock, in addition to several different breeds of large fowl chickens, I have a sweet tiny silky named Topsy who hatched out some silky mixed chicks 9 weeks ago and silky chicks 17 weeks ago. I've noticed that even with the age differences the silkies all hang out together in the yard and get along well with each other. They are not aggressive towards each other or the other flock members.
However, with that said, Topsy will attack anyone, Silkies included, when she is broody and her babies are nearby and she feels threatened.
No my silkie that is broody is on eggs and she done went through the pecking order she is head hen. she is nice to me and all the other chickens they do not peck each other no more. She has not tried to peck me at all she lets me touch her eggs ( fake eggs for now ) and lets me pet her.
Im so excited! Im going to have two broodies at once! Im buying a silkie tomorrow with two little babies! Also my BB Red Bantam hen still has her 6 chicks she hatched a week ago and one of those is a silkie. ( He was a mistake, she stole the egg from my silkie hens. )
Question for the seasoned gals and guys here.
In march my broody hatched out 2 chicks, after 8 weeks the broody just up and walked away, leaving them to fend for them selves. She started to lay, then bam right back into being broody . Right now she is sitting on 6 eggs and 6 hatched yesterday. I also have apther broody who is sitting on 10 eggs that will be hatching put this cming Sunday.
We are not keeping but a few chicks, as there promised to a gal who lost hers to a coyote. My question is, will these babies we do plan to keep do ok with the adult chickens once mama decides she is done being mom? The last two were always being picked on by the older girls, though its fine now as there grown it was rough on them, especially when one had to go to another farm as he turned out to be a rooster,
With the long winter coming on I hate to think there going to be picked on constantly and I do not have a separate coop . Summer was not bad as I let them out all afternoon, with winter it's not going to be possible as the snow is just to high . They will need to stay in there pen for the winter months with the big girls. What do you all do ?
No my silkie that is broody is on eggs and she done went through the pecking order she is head hen. she is nice to me and all the other chickens they do not peck each other no more. She has not tried to peck me at all she lets me touch her eggs ( fake eggs for now ) and lets me pet her.

In that case they should all do just fine together in the same housing - the only thing I would do is mark the eggs you put in there if the others are currently or start laying. That way if anyone gets on her nest you won't have eggs developing at different times. Congrats on the broody!

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