Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Sorry my friends, being newly hatched as I am, I may have posted out of line... I don't have chickens, just ducks! I say Aug 5 because with the weird weather we've been having here (Zone 5), it is just really stressful for me, worrying about the babies without feathers and the freezing temps. Of course, this is such an issue because Mom has decided to be fickle and hasn't been solidly committed. Anyway, that is just my experience, I am 100% positive that all of you know your flocks better than I do!
everyone has different flock dynamics. All any of us can do is relay what we do and how it works for us. For me the great part about broody's is I don't have to deal with the chicks. I don't get involved at all. Mama's do it all. I just enjoy the show.
I would let any of my hens go broody this month. Now my ducks I would discourage until spring. Not that my runner Penelope wasn't a great mom, she was. But being she is my only broody duck experience I would wait until spring to let her do it again.
I am not doubting my girls that I KNOW are great broodies and mamas would still do a great job of taking care of their lil ones but for me I would rather deal with broodies, mamas and their chicks in the spring chickens and ducks.
I wish their instincts told them to knock it off! I don't feel like breaking a broody :rolleyes: That's why they only get one chick each this time of year if I can't break them by simply removing eggs and kicking them off the nest. I have an awful broody game mix that keeps going to the wrong nest. She is not allowed any more eggs. Last week she killed six half way there chicks by switching nests. Her sister is much smarter. Plus she leaves the nest for long periods of time to play outside.
Here she is outside grumbling
I think she would be a great mother if she could stay long enough for them to hatch. She's very protective.
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they will be fine Tripp. You southerner think 40 is cold
. Seriously...it is all fine. I have one..my bestbroody "mama" is sittingnow. My girls start in the spring when the day or night temps can be anywhere from 20 to 60.
Hey! Dont make fun!
I walked outside and had to put on a coat! I hate cold weather mainly because hatching and breeding comes to an end! At least I have these buggers to watch.

Just for the record silkies are SERIOUS broodys when she is on that nest she is in a trance an will peck the life out of you if you mess with her or the eggs! She can have her eggs and Ill just see whatever hatches come hatch day! I dont need bloody hands for my nosiness....
Hey! Dont make fun!
I walked outside and had to put on a coat! I hate cold weather mainly because hatching and breeding comes to an end! At least I have these buggers to watch.

Just for the record silkies are SERIOUS broodys when she is on that nest she is in a trance an will peck the life out of you if you mess with her or the eggs! She can have her eggs and Ill just see whatever hatches come hatch day! I dont need bloody hands for my nosiness....
it was 36 here this morning. I put on a sweat shirt to let the girls out. It was a lil chilly
I took into consideration all the arguments as to why it wouldn't be a good idea to let her brood this time of year and promptly ignored them! HAHA!

I gave Topsy 5 of her own eggs I had collected. We shall see if anything develops. I'll give her a week on those and candle. They may be fertile. The Silkie roo did mate with her quite often the several weeks before she went broody.

If nothing happens with them I will attempt to find another lot of 6 eggs or less for her to sit on or maybe just move straight to chicks this time.

She's happy ergo I'm happy.
I took into consideration all the arguments as to why it wouldn't be a good idea to let her brood this time of year and promptly ignored them! HAHA!

I gave Topsy 5 of her own eggs I had collected. We shall see if anything develops. I'll give her a week on those and candle. They may be fertile. The Silkie roo did mate with her quite often the several weeks before she went broody.

If nothing happens with them I will attempt to find another lot of 6 eggs or less for her to sit on or maybe just move straight to chicks this time.

She's happy ergo I'm happy.
I took into consideration all the arguments as to why it wouldn't be a good idea to let her brood this time of year and promptly ignored them!  HAHA!  :lau

I gave Topsy 5 of her own eggs I had collected.  We shall see if anything develops.  I'll give her a week on those and candle.  They may be fertile.  The Silkie roo did mate with her quite often the several weeks before she went broody.

If nothing happens with them I will attempt to find another lot of 6 eggs or less for her to sit on or maybe just move straight to chicks this time. 

She's happy ergo I'm happy.
Hey I gave Janet my broody cochin a bunch of eggs mid-February. None hatched, but she raised 11 chicks I gave her after her hatch resulted in nothing. All but one are alive today :) That one that died was sat on by a puppy :/

Nights were really cold in February. Days didn't often go above freezing.

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