Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I was quite shocked today to find Bella is above a hen in the pecking order!, the hens she is above (Babs) is a ex batt and she is hgh in the pecking order, only two hens are above her, one being Bellas mother which might have a part to play in hwy she is above her. Bella was chasing Babs trying to act intimadating holding her head above Babs and looking down on her, shes so cheeky. this is Babs, if you wonder why she is lieng on the floor its because the mama orp beat her up :/ (this pic was taken a few weeks ago thats why one of the hens who was killed is in the pic)
Johnn... this is for you.

My Max is cute with the babies, but I can't imagine him brooding them!!!
So cute!
chicks-19 weeks now and still with the mother, seriously when will i get to say they have left her?!!, Bobbiechicks, how is Topsy and Vanilla ice doing with the chick raising??
I think Asparagus is falling in love with his mother, he cant stop following her, Bella dosen't mind leaving her for a while aslong as she can see her but Asparagus wont let her out his site!!
I dont know the story myself! :p

It's one of the stories from my high school lit class. It's an old Greek story. Oedipus is found in the woods as a baby and raised by a noble family. When he grows up he goes to an oracle who tells him his destiny is to kill his father and marry his mother. So he runs away from home with some of his guards to avert fate. On the road he runs into grouchy man (don't remember the details here) and kills him. He then finds that the man was a king and on his way to the kingdom defeats a spinx that was terrorizing the kings city. When he arrives he is offered the crown and the dead kings wife. He accepts and years later (and two kids, I think) he discovered that they were his bio family(he hadn't known he was adopted). His parents had seen the oracle when he was born and left him in the woods to die so the proficy wouldn't be fulfilled. But they actually enforced the proficy by fighting it.

Should also add it is defiantly a tragedy. His mother kills herself, he gouges his eyes out and goes a bit crazy. Oedipus starts wandering around as a cursed blind man for the rest of his life. I can't remember what happens to the kids. He does show up in some later Greek tragedies too.
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