Old Hen tries to eat as if she's drinking water? Cannot eat, Doesn't move around - Any help appreciated.


7 Years
Jan 16, 2017
Hello friends, this is a tricky situation I have.

I have a 8-9 year old hen, she has had a broken leg in the past that did not heal well and remained with a bend in it. She has been otherwise okay and usually a VERY picky eater but recently she suddenly was sitting a lot, and couldn't eat. Instead of picking up food she pecks at food as if she's drinking water so she doesnt pick anything up but she is hungry. I've been hand feeding her for the past week. I'd place the food in her beak and she eats fine. She can drink water on her own but I'm not sure how to help her.

I think she has also hurt her bent leg as she can't stand on it and mostly sits down.

Other things I've noticed wrong with her, one side of her face has this very dry skin that I haven't been able to help her with (I can't seem to find what it could be) that flakes as if it were dandruff. Overall everything else seems normal. Her droppings are runny and she is pale but I take it its because she hasn't been able to eat well. I feed her soft food like banana, cooked eggs, pancakes, bread, things that I can grab and she can grab with her beak more easily. (any recommendations of something I can make for her thats more nutritious?)

Ive started wondering if maybe her being a picky eater was a sign of something I didnt know to catch? Because often in the past she'd peck at food sometimes even treats and sort of taste it and spit it out (like she's drinking water) and go about her way while the others are eating everything they can. She is an old hen so maybe it's age? I have had old hens that develop arthitis and then their little hearts give out so maybe it's almost her time?

I'm honestly not sure what this is. I don't really have vet access like I'd want to have for her so if anyone has seen anything like this or has any recommendations of what I do to make her more comfortable I'd appreciate that. So far I've only given her electrolytes and a multi vitamin I have for them.
I was going to suggest chicken vitamins but you already are giving them that. Eight to nine year old chickens is a whole life for them, and a very long one. Mostly mine pass around six to seven years.

I would also try make her crumbles/pellets in a mash by adding water to it. Mine think that's a treat. Otherwise, I'd be doing what you're doing trying to get her to eat and drink and have a good end of her career as a hen. ❤️

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