My oldest hen Booka just turned 10 and I recently noticed changes to the backside of her legs. The scales seem to be thinning and the area is pink. I don’t believe this is scaly mites based on the condition of the rest of her legs and feet. She’s behaving normally. Underside of her feet look normal; they’ve become more calloused as she’s aged. The area that’s turning pink and thinning correlates with the areas that touch the ground when she’s sitting.
Other details:
Other details:
- Phoenix, Arizona.
- Easter Egger breed.
- Healthy weight.
- Layer pellets with occasional snacks (worms, scratch, leafy greens and other vegetables).
- Hasn’t laid any eggs this year; last year she laid 2-3. Mostly retired!
- Flock diagnosed with Marek’s disease ~7 years ago. She’s unvaccinated but shows no symptoms.
- Mixed breed flock (23 hens and 1 rooster; bantam rooster has never mated with her).
- Roosts on perch at night. Multiple perch options available, but she likes a narrow bar.