Older chicken chick with baby quail


Premium Feather Member
Mar 19, 2020
South-Eastern Montana
I have a chick (I think about 2 months now) that has been caring for younger chicks (about 6 weeks now) since they were day olds.

She seems to enjoy being like a mom and still has them sleep under her wings at night. I'm going to pit her with my 4 week olds and see if she does the same with them.

If she does, would it maybe be an idea to have her with any quail chicks I hatch? (Obviously I would watch and make sure she isn't hurting them)

My main worry is that I'll only have one or two hatch and that I might end up with a lonely chick otherwise. Plus I figured she could help show them how to eat and drink
(Obviously I would watch and make sure she isn't hurting them)

That's the main concern I would have, and you've already thought of it.

Some people keep quail completely separate from chickens, because of a disease the quail can catch from the chickens--maybe someone who knows about quail can chime in on that.
Okay thank you. I don't know if it makes a difference or not, but my quail and birds are housed in the same area of the building. Different pens but same air if that means anything. She's doing well with the newest batch I put with her and my quail *should* be here in less than a week so I'm thinking of waiting until they're a few days old before adding her do they don't still have baby brain and can get away if she pecks them meanly
Sounds reasonable to me-- you're aware that it might work or might not work, and you've got plans to supervise them, and to separate if needed.

If you're already keeping chickens and quail in the same general area, then I imagine they've already shared any possible germs.

I hope it works well, and I'm looking forward to hearing how they do!
Thank ypu. I just wasn't sure because they're going to be smaller than standard chicks and I didn't know if that just sounded like a bad idea or not. Hopefully it works since I'm hoping to 'train' the chicken to take chicks and younger birds
I just wasn't sure because they're going to be smaller than standard chicks and I didn't know if that just sounded like a bad idea or not.

I don't know for sure about the sizes, although I know large breed chicken hens are able to raise bantam chicks.

It will probably depend a lot on how the chicken acts--and you are the person who is there and able to see it, so you are the best person to decide :)
I'm sure they're smaller. The eggs are 1/2-1/3 bantam egg sizes

I don't know how large or small your chick is, either :D
Quail chicks with a banty pullet might be similar to banty chicks with a mature large hen, but quail chicks with a large breed hen might be an entirely different situation. And chickens can surprise me both with how fragile and stupid they are, and with how resilient and smart they are, so I really can't say what will work or not until it does (or doesn't.) :)
She's a spitzhauben, but a smaller one. She was a tiny runt which is why we even let her with the younger chicks the first time because she was their size even though she was 2 or 3 weeks older. She's pretty careful though when moving around
Spitzhaubens are cute :)

I'm trying to remember how big/heavy mother quail are--a runty young Spitzhauben might be just about right!

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