OMG, Thats Crazy!


Dances with Chickens
10 Years
Mar 3, 2009
Lakeport, Ca.
So about 12 hours ago I put my Coturnix Quail eggs in the Hatcher, expecting them to hatch between Monday and Wednesday, and I was hoping for sure by Thursday because I am leaving on Vacation. Well here I am at 3 am, not able to sleep, playing Skii ball on Facebook, But I keep hearing this strange noise, finaly I force myself to get up and walk over to the Incubator, and there is a tiny Baby in there! It's 2 days Early! and I think I see another pip, I don't even have food for them yet, I was planning on picking some up on monday, and the brooder is still a mess from the Chicks I sold the other day, I guess I have my work cut out for me tomorrow, LOL. I'm so excited, These are my first Coturnix, and I am planning to keep them, and eventually breed them. I wasn't expecting much, as they were too dark to candel, so I'm soooo Excited to Be a Coturnix mommy! I even woke Hubby up to tell him he's a daddy, LOL, he was a little confused and surprised....
mine normally dont hatch very fast Last night i went to bed with about 120 bobwhite eggs and 30 coturnix eggs in the hatching tray 8 am this morning i check the bator and there are chicks evey where all but about 20 of them hatched and now i can hear the incubator chirping again
It has been a weird year for hatching, had keets hatch 3 days early and our bobs are being 2-4 late was thinking about getting some Coturnix Quail, anybody have any idea how they would do in north east texas ???
all of my wild turkeys that have hatched this year only went 23-24 days they used to always go 26-28 days.the weird thing is everthing else hatched right on time so we knew the bator wasnt running hot....
everything i incubated hatched earlier than expected. chickens hatched at day 19. pheasants hatched at day 20. quail hatched at day 17. i have more quail in now too. it's crazy! i guess they didn't read the "book" i had a second batch of chickens hatch thursday that were'nt due until today!?! i thought i just had a "miracle" incubator....
My quail hatched on day 16. Come to think of it though, my chickens hatched waaaay early on day 18 and were completely fine... Maybe it's one of those solar orbit cycle things or something like that that nature notices and we don't.

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