OMGosh - WHAT is this growth?! Warning gross graphic

This is likely a tumor. If it were a cyst or abcess, it would be filled with fluid or bacterial infection and be easy to lance or remove. Tumors have a large blood supply and are fed by lots of veins. If you try to cut it off, you may not get it to stop bleeding. This is something you need to leave alone and let a vet handle it. The question should be, is it benign or malignant. Also it is growing- as it looks pretty long. No idea if it effects the eggs or not, but I just wouldn't want to leave that up to chance personally. I've seen tumors similar to this on dogs (looks like horns), and they usually turn out to be benign, but if left and not removed, that can change quickly to being malignant.
Thanks, I'll start researching that. It is not intestinal feeling at all. It's rather firm. I suppose I could go back to soaking and try to remove the rest and see how big a thing I'm dealing with....but not sure it's worth putting her through the trauma if the end result is the same.

Just looking at it makes me for sure not want her eggs, call me paranoid but whatever it is, it's wrong on all levels.
Just wanted to add, I'm sorry about your filly.
I lost a little filly at birth and nearly lost my mare in the process, too. It took two years to get her back to health. She got a severe uterine infection we fought for months and then when we thought we were out of the woods, she foundered on us. That took the next year to bring her out of that, and during that time, her infection came back since she was so worn down, even though we were doing IV meds. It was awful! Anyway, really sorry. I'd keep an eye on your hen and really think hard about what to do with her.
This is what I'm starting to think too. I don't know if it's growing but overall length is almost 2" and certainly wasn't there as a young chicken. I got her from the hatchery and played with them a lot so I'm certain it's a new growth (new as in since probably May).

And you're right on about the bleeding. When I got the scab of the tip off that did not bleed, but the base pulling away sure did, a lot and fast. That's why I stopped.

My gut feel unless someone can recognize this I better just have my husband "help her cross" now. Hopefully someone will read this in time to help. It's hard when she's otherwise healthy and happy. I just can't risk any chance of it being part of a disease that could spread.
That is very strange! Is it in her bottom?

Guess what? I had the same thing! My hen had a "Thing" in her bottom too. I didn't do anything about it (I was very new to chickens) and it finally went back in.

Sorry, I don't have much advice.
But if it is what mine had, then I'd leave it alone for a few days until it goes back in.
Just as a note, birds don't get drainable puss like mammals. It's a hard cheesy like stuff.

I personally would not take a chicken to a vet, but my chickens are not of pet status.
No, it's on her side.

I had a hen that had prolapsed - even still had the egg in the "bag" (don't know the term) outside her body! Cleaned her up, kept her isolated and warm, antibotics and then eventually after a couple weeks of being healed and no antibotics she went back in the coop. So far all's well for her. She was a tiny Antwerp Belgian with a very big egg for a girl her size!

So this is nothing like a prolapse darnit, or I'd know what to do.

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