One of my quail is smaller than the rest.


In the Brooder
Feb 21, 2017
I got jumbo coturnix, 4 hatched on the 18th one on the 13th. One is noticeably smaller than the rest but is eating and just as active. Does this mean something is wrong or is it just small?
I got it from a local farmer and all of her birds looked incredibly healthy, I don't know if anything happened during hatching. What could have stund its growth? And of course it is the nice one that actually likes me lol
I have one unusually small one too. He hatched with the rest of them and is doing fine, he's just not growing as fast as the others. He's even getting feathers at the same rate as the rest, but he's just really small! I call him my runt baby!
Note I don't normally put them on top of things but it was the only way to get them still lol. And I filled their feeder right after this.

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