One Year In And a Broody Bluebell


In the Brooder
Jun 29, 2024
Hi all!

My name's Auburn. My husband and I are in Ontario, Canada. Last May we ordered 6 chicks from our TSC equivalent. Two turned out to be Roos. So far we have kept them both but one's an arsehole so we're trying to figure out the best way to get rid of him.
We ordered six different breeds and are pretty sure we only got three of the ones we actually asked for and three other ones. But it was a happy accident as we're happy with what we have.
We have a Barred Rock, a Silver Laced Wyandotte, a Buff Orpington, and a Bluebell Egger hens. Our Roos are an Olive Egger and a Bielefelder (we think, not one we ordered).
Our Bluebell Egger went broody about five weeks ago now and we decided to give it a go and just kept putting eggs that were laid by our other chickens under her for a few days. Then my husband bought 7 Polish eggs and put those under her too. Two weeks ago the first two hatched and within a week we had what we were going to get. In total, 12 of the 14 eggs hatched. Six of ours and six Polish. And one of each didn't make it. Then a few days later we lost another Polish one. No idea why.
But anyway we have 5 chicks from our hens and 4 Polish chicks and mama Cluck has her wings full! It's been fun to watch them hatch and grow but I've become obsessed with trying to figure out the parentage of our chicks which is why I came here. I think I've got the moms figured out but since we have two Roos I've no idea who fathered which. Will be interesting to see if we'll ever truly know. I'm going to post for opinions!

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