Opinions on this 8 week old?

Do most of you say that because of the comb? Or are there other indicators? Just curious. I am learning so much from the community on this website!!
Mostly the comb, yes. But I have to say I'm not 100% positive. It's also the thick legs and the reddish coloring on the wings. The bird does have some reddish coloring on the back and at the tail, which makes me less than positive about color indicating gender.

8 weeks it's usually pretty apparent, but having a mixed comb style can mess with sexing also. Can you post pics again in another 4ish weeks so we can see how the bird turns out? I'm really interested to see how it matures.

Any idea who the momma is?
Mostly the comb, yes. But I have to say I'm not 100% positive. It's also the thick legs and the reddish coloring on the wings. The bird does have some reddish coloring on the back and at the tail, which makes me less than positive about color indicating gender.

8 weeks it's usually pretty apparent, but having a mixed comb style can mess with sexing also. Can you post pics again in another 4ish weeks so we can see how the bird turns out? I'm really interested to see how it matures.

Any idea who the momma is?

I can't be sure who momma is. We got the eggs from a friend who has Gold and silver laced wyandottes, Easter Eggers, a Dominique, and more. I wish I knew which egg this one came from but he/she was one of two that hatched in the middle of the night and no one saw it.
You are right about the thick legs, it was one of the first things that made me second guess her gender. Upon closer look, she/he is starting to get what looks to be saddle feathers.
Looks like saddle feathers starting? They have a sheen to them.

Dark rust color on wings.
I'm getting more confident that this is a cockerel. Saddle feathers, velociraptor legs, red comb and face.

New hackle feathers are stripey. I know dad is a Blue Ameraucana, and I'm thinking mom might be Dominique.
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