Opossum attack


Sep 22, 2023
North Central Florida
We were awakened late last night by a ruckus in the garage.
We have a couple of hens that found out about the wonders of cat food so we can’t get them to leave the garage area.
Anyway, we go out and find an opossum chewing on feathers where or bantam hen usually roosts. We were in a panic and feeling devistated. Chased the opossum out of the garage and start looking for the body. Don’t find anything but feathers, no blood, no body. After 10 mins of searching we find her in the cat room. We cuddle her and get her settled back down.
Today, she is playing up the victim. Following my wife around and clucking woundedly every time she turns around. After the third time of cuddling and treats my wife catches her NOT limping.

No, that doesn’t mean she won’t still get coddled for fer close call.
The problem is the other hen that stays in the garage , who we found outside by the chicken gate after the attack, is claiming that she deserves an award for running out and screaming while little one was getting attacked. She is waiting for her interview with the Clucker’s Gazette to explain how her running by to get out the door gave Ebby time to get away.
I didn't know chickens were that smart.

What are you doing about the opossum?
For now we will be keeping the garage door closed at night, we left it up a foot for ventilation and so cats can come in/out without going into the front yard where the dogs are. No, the dogs won’t hurt them, but will get in and eat all the cat food.
When I get home this weekend we will set a catch and release trap out to relocate it into the woods.
Don’t want to kill it , unless it continues to go after the Ladies.
Im so glad they are both ok! So scary! Will you now force them to coop up at night?
Tried moving them to the coop at night and locking them in for a few days, as soon as they are released they go right over the fence , or under the gate for Ebby, to the garage.
There is a Rooster that makes daily trips to the garage , but always goes back to the coops in the afternoon.
Had an Appaloosa gelding that would start to limp as soon as I put my saddle on him. The first few times he got away with it, then I realized he was running a scam....
You never rehome a Opossum! It will come back, cause a problem to someone else or get injured/killed by the Opossum whose territory you are putting your interloper in. It's better to dispatch the Opossum if you catch it. The welcome mat was put out when the Cat food was made available....
How far do you think you need to move that critter? I have heard ten miles for a raccoon. When you trap and release you are just passing the problem on to someone else. Also, the opossum might be trespassing on some other critter's territory. If he comes back, you will need to think about dispatching him.

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