Opossum in run at night


Feb 1, 2022
East Tennessee
Last night I caught a rather large opossum on our camera. It was out by the food and water in the (not predator proof) run. Chooks were all inside, apparently safe. I ordered a large live trap to catch it, then I guess we will have to shoot it drown it? What is a good bait? Cat food?

To the greater resolution, but that rodent is huge! What else should I do to keep my flock safe?
If there is a way to predator-proof the run or as long as the coop is secure just put the food away, possums are otherwise good to have around. The eat ticks, for instance. We have a couple who come up on ur porch to eat some cat food at night, and I always like seeing them. (And just an aside, although they look rat-like with those tails, possums are not rodents. They're marsupials, like kangaroos.)
Id get rid of it asap only a matter of time before it kills your birds and the tick eating is a myth they dont go around looking for ticks not sure who started that rumor. But goes to show people believe anything on the internet.
I had read that tick eating is has been exaggerated, but that they would eat them. But ticks or no ticks, they are likabe creatures and killing one won't keep others from coming. I still it's better to predator-proof your chicken coop than go around killing wild animals.
Well, they are coming for the feed and it doesn't take a lot to fence a possum out. Like another poster has said, just a matter of time before they start killing your chickens. No treadle feeder will stop a possum so exclusion is the only way to deal with them.
Make a more secure run.
Looks like plastic mesh?
Yes, it’s plastic. A temporary situation while we build our home. We like that we can move it around easily. The main (we did have a neighbors dog attack once, just one minor injury) daytime predator pressure are hawks. I seem to have thwarted them by making narrow spaces in the run that a hawk feels uncomfortable diving into.

My new home/coop will have significantly more predator pressure from coyotes, raccoons, moles, badger & possibly a bear. Hence, I’m having concrete footers poured around the entire coop and run, and trying to build Fort Knox for them. Do you think I can use leftover rebar roll for some of the apron against diggers, or stick with hwc?

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