Opossum in run at night

Last night I caught a rather large opossum on our camera. It was out by the food and water in the (not predator proof) run. Chooks were all inside, apparently safe.
I had finished locking up the chickens for the night. When I came up on the back porch there was an Opossum trying to open up the lid on the metal cat food container. The cat food is in a metal trash can with a locking lid. I guess the Opossum smelled the cat food and wanted it. Big mistake! I kept my flashlight on it and yelled for Jerry to get his riffle. The stupid thing just stayed put and stared at the light. Jerry put 3 hollow point rounds in to it.

I hate Opossum, they can spread diseases that can be harmful to humans and other animals through their saliva, urine and their feces.
Don't keep cat food out where native animals can get to it.
That is the most sensible thing to do. In our case, however, we have three feral cats who have adopted us and live in houses on our porch. We have no choice but to leave their food outside and so frequently we will have a possum or a raccoon up on the porch having a snack. And I’m fine with that. The cats completely ignore the possum. They are a little more wary of the raccoon, but tolerate it.


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As said, leaving out food/water overnight attracts all sorts of things, mostly unwanted. Put the food and water away at night. If the critters can't find food, they will eventually go elsewhere. The only time I've had a possum or raccoon PROBLEM is when food is left out (food being anything they find edible). All of my chicken feed is inside at night.
My soapbox on feral cats is this: The cats may eat at your house the food you leave out. They however use everyone around you as a litter box and hunting ground. Dealing with one or two may go unnoticed. But they make more, being unneutered or spayed, they multiply. Because I have a neighbor that feeds feral cats, we are over run. I deal with dead cats (disease), feces that make my dogs sick or they roll in it (disgusting) and I have to bathe 200 lbs of dogs, and I can no longer put bird feeders up for the song birds or I'm just making them bait. It sucks. We have no county ordinance's and the shelters will not take them. I have no objection to someone taking in a feral cat and truly making it yours (I have done THAT), getting vet care, spay/neuter, actually taking care of it. Anything else is just perpetuating a problem.
As said, leaving out food/water overnight attracts all sorts of things, mostly unwanted. Put the food and water away at night. If the critters can't find food, they will eventually go elsewhere. The only time I've had a possum or raccoon PROBLEM is when food is left out (food being anything they find edible). All of my chicken feed is inside at night.
My soapbox on feral cats is this: The cats may eat at your house the food you leave out. They however use everyone around you as a litter box and hunting ground. Dealing with one or two may go unnoticed. But they make more, being unneutered or spayed, they multiply. Because I have a neighbor that feeds feral cats, we are over run. I deal with dead cats (disease), feces that make my dogs sick or they roll in it (disgusting) and I have to bathe 200 lbs of dogs, and I can no longer put bird feeders up for the song birds or I'm just making them bait. It sucks. We have no county ordinance's and the shelters will not take them. I have no objection to someone taking in a feral cat and truly making it yours (I have done THAT), getting vet care, spay/neuter, actually taking care of it. Anything else is just perpetuating a problem.
We had the female spayed. One of the others will not let anyone approach him. I get dead mice and voles left on the doorstep, but they rarely get a bird, even with feeders. These cats were surviving in our woods and came to us, so I'm going to feed and shelter them.

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