Oprah at the beef packing plant-Feb 1

On the contrary; they tour a processing plant and show how the cows are humanely slaughtered. I really feel a lot of people jumped to conclusions on what this show would present. It was fair and both points of view were fairly covered, in my opinion. They did a staff experiment and some people hated the vegan diet while others loved it. It was very well proportioned.
Against my doubts, I think it was handled in a fair and even handed fashion. Michael Pollan impressed me enough that I am going out to buy his book. K. preston the "veganist" made the opposite impression on me. I was glad to see that Temple Grandin was given credit for the animal handling protocol. For anyone who has not read her books, I recommend reading them. I felt that it was a positive. Kudos to the Cargill Plant. It should have been required viewing so that no one can pretend that meat just "comes from the grocery store." The message that I got was respect and compassion for that which we eat.
Katy, you never agree with anything I say, so no, of course I won't take that bet.

But I will be surprised if you feel both points of view weren't fairly covered.

OK...I will admit I was pleasently surprised with what I've seen so far. Handled much better than I ever thought it would be. I was really impressed with the silence as the cattle were moved within the facility. Having worked cattle too many times to count that is hard to achieve.

I do disagree with them saying they've gone vegan for the week.....A true vegan doesn't use animal products for anything right? I bet Oprah's shoes were leather and not a cheapo knock-off from Payless!! Their diet may have been vegan, but not a true vegan lifestyle.
Watching it now.
Oprah says her eggs are laid to music being played........lol

Does anyone here pump music to their coop, hmmmm.*(things that make you go hmmmm)
Katy, you never agree with anything I say, so no, of course I won't take that bet.

But I will be surprised if you feel both points of view weren't fairly covered.

OK...I will admit I was pleasently surprised with what I've seen so far. Handled much better than I ever thought it would be. I was really impressed with the silence as the cattle were moved within the facility. Having worked cattle too many times to count that is hard to achieve.

I do disagree with them saying they've gone vegan for the week.....A true vegan doesn't use animal products for anything right? I bet Oprah's shoes were leather and not a cheapo knock-off from Payless!! Their diet may have been vegan, but not a true vegan lifestyle.

Glad you agree it's fairly presented. I don't think they were referring to a vegan lifestyle; the focus of the show is mainly on the human diet. Keep watching; it really isn't bad!
Watching it now.
Oprah says her eggs are laid to music being played........lol

Does anyone here pump music to their coop, hmmmm.*(things that make you go hmmmm)

I bet some would find that as animal abuse. Can't make everybody happy you know.​
I bet some would find that as animal abuse. Can't make everybody happy you know.

I don't think she said HER eggs are laid to music, I think she was asking "what if the conditions were ideal, small farm, nice surroundings, etc". I don't think she was referring to herself.

But anyone who sees playing music for chickens as abuse would be off their rocker.

PS: And notice even the Vegan agreed that those eggs would be fine if the conditions were good?
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So Oprah gave her blessing so now America can go back to eating meat? It says a lot about Ameica when someone on TV has to give their blessing so we can do what we've always done.

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