ordered the "new" jumbo celadon eggs from thieving otter farm-


15 Years
Sep 6, 2009
So hoping i will get some to hatch. ordered 65. so if im lucky 32 will hatch if im not lucky none will hatch and if im sort of lucky all get 10 or so. First time with quail. my friend has a large incubator and she will be incubating them for me. so hoping for better luck that way.
Still on the search for an incbuato. thinking of the rcom still.
also i dont have any quail hutches yet, have a large plastic rabbit cage though that i can always use. Even thinking of using or finding a dog kennel with smaller holes and using chicken wire for a small outdoor cage. any suggestions?
Ooo keep us posted on how big the birds and their eggs get! I was eyeing those too

For an outdoor cage, you'll want something with 1/2" hardware cloth, to keep out rats and tiny raccoon hands trying to pull bite-sized quail pieces through your chicken wire. As I've read many times on this board, "EVERYTHING likes to eat quail" ;)
Ooo keep us posted on how big the birds and their eggs get! I was eyeing those too

For an outdoor cage, you'll want something with 1/2" hardware cloth, to keep out rats and tiny raccoon hands trying to pull bite-sized quail pieces through your chicken wire. As I've read many times on this board, "EVERYTHING likes to eat quail" ;)
do you have a suggestion on wherer to order? as locally the hardware cloth wont last long, it will just rust out.
-- i will, im so excited but trying not to get too excited since i know eggs going thru the postal system is a large gamble.
Check around online for the best prices. Galvanized and pvc/vinyl-coated last longer (if you're doing wire flooring, I've heard coated wire is gentler on their feet). Last time I ordered, I just found out on Amazon.
Check around online for the best prices. Galvanized and pvc/vinyl-coated last longer (if you're doing wire flooring, I've heard coated wire is gentler on their feet). Last time I ordered, I just found out on Amazon.
i was planning on ordering some wynola cages, but thought i should make sure i like quail before sinking even more money in them. I already have chickens and 35 goats and two horses and three cats and two dogs haha.the point of the quail is to have meat for the dogs, cats and extra eggs. chickens take forever to grow and lay and by then i cant cull the cockerels because they are so sweet.
I havent found proper quail feed yet, I feed a corn, soy and gmo free chicken feed so was tying to find the same.
Ooo keep us posted on how big the birds and their eggs get! I was eyeing those too

For an outdoor cage, you'll want something with 1/2" hardware cloth, to keep out rats and tiny raccoon hands trying to pull bite-sized quail pieces through your chicken wire. As I've read many times on this board, "EVERYTHING likes to eat quail" ;)
I will if any hatch, i figure since i dont have housing for them then all will hatch.... right... :)
-- i plan to use storage containers for chicks and i have one midwest wabbitat. 4 feet i think. and looking at the stacked cages

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