Oregon Spring Poultry Swap April 23, 2011 in Canby!!!

Gasp...choke...My sister is paying $55K a year for Wash U in St Louis! Of course I'd love to have that problem...right now my 16 year old son has informed me that he's not going to college and school doesn't matter. Any one want to trade some chickens for a 16 year old boy?

Nah, nevermind...I put a lot work into him. I better keep him. Maybe he'll come around and think of something useful he would like to do with his life. I just hope it's not at age 30!

Yep, Reed is $58K a year
It's her decision though about how much debt SHE wants to go into
I am extremely proud of her though. She applied to two very good schools and was accepted into both - Reed and OSU Honors University. She has to decide by May 1st so we'll see!

Impressive. She must have worked hard to be accepted to those schools. She can't go wrong with either choice. I know kids in the honors university at UofO and they love it. They are doing really well in a very tough program. You should be proud of her and yourself for getting her to this point!
Where did those meat rabbits come from at the show last weekend? Pm me...if you can't remember. I think I know who's they were. I stood next to them for hours. We got to be quite friendly, me and those 2 bunnies!
I just ascertained that at least one set of neighbors wouldn't mind the rooster... they are buying my eggs... oh, it's soooo tempting!!
Okay! I just baked two batches of thumbprint cookies (gluten-free and wheat) filled with a dollop of my cinnamon boysenberry jam!
I hope I can figure out how to get these to the swap neatly!
Still haven't figured out my potluck dish, either...

And I may be making more jam today (probably the cinnamon boysenberry), so I have extra to sell at the show... I'll be raising my show prices to $5/pint, $3 half pint $1.50 smallest... but all of you who pre-ordered will get the original prices...

Can't wait!! I'm making my list, and checking it twice...
I had been considering bringing one of my Buff Orpingtons to the swap; she's a great layer and is a year old. Easy to pick up and quite big and fluffy. Tell me if you want me to bring her.
Where did those meat rabbits come from at the show last weekend? Pm me...if you can't remember. I think I know who's they were. I stood next to them for hours. We got to be quite friendly, me and those 2 bunnies!

Those were meaties?? K, I'll pm you. I stayed as far away from them as possible...didn't want one (or all) of my raffle tickets to "accidentally" fall into THOSE bags! LOL
Not that I've noticed... none of my gals has been broody, although it might be hard to tell, because they are all fighting over the same nestbox, and basically holler each other out of there!
On a more serious note....if that's possible! I'm posting a few pictures of some of the veg I'm bringing. And there's a slight complication as I had some really lovely mature tomato plants that were left outside overnight by DH last week.
I tried to baby them but well the frost was stronger than I was. So.... I'm sadly not going to have half the variety I'd hoped.
That being said. I have a TON of smaller starts but they're no where near ready to go in the ground. Not that they can yet anyway. Well at least not where we are. Anyway I'm willing to bring the smaller ones and sell them for $1ea if anyone's interested. I have Sungold, Chocolate Cherry, Green Zebra, Black Prince, German Strawberry, Taxi, and a few others I can't think of right now.

I do have a few plants that survived that are rather large and I'll ask 3$ each for those. I have 4Early Girl and 4Early Goliath. I have a ton of Romas some of them are small, some are medium all my large were killed
the small will be $1 and the medium will be 2ea. First choice of the larger Romas goes to Zanna, Celtic and Noncentzer.

I have some six packs of red cabbage, walla wallas, green and red leaf lettuces those will be 3$ea? Let mw know if any of this is too expensive. I have no idea what market value is on this stuff. They're all organic. Oh I also will have a few varieties of pole and snap bean and squash. Those will be $1 ea.

Then the Romanesco, Broccoli, Cauli, Leeks and Savoy will all be $1.50ea Peas will be $.50 Again please let me know if that's too expensive

Mara Strawberries in the 4" Pots - 6$ea or 2/$10

I have a ton of succulents potted

Let me know if you've changed your mind about anything and I'll make an update later today.

Oh and I've seriously got my fingers crossed for the fungi. I found four morels yesterday so if the weather stays decent we should have a splendid table on Sat.
Waiting until Friday to even peek at the truffles!

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I would like 1 Early Girl and 1 Goliath of the bigger plants, if you don't have the fancier tomatoes anymore. I would also like one of each 6 pk of lettuce.

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