Oregon Spring Poultry Swap April 23, 2011 in Canby!!!

It will only be nice to meet some of us??? hmmmm

Sorry I missed the update!

Haves: See pics here; http://www.flickr.com/photos/28007523@N06/sets/72157626486286584/show/
blue barred giant cochin cockerel (from SQ stock)
Trio of lf cochins; Black roo-1 yr and 2-2 yr old blue hens (all are from Oregonjen)
Sicilian buttercup pullet-3 mo
Small flock of Sicilian buttercups-1 roo and 4 hens
Pair of white, curly-breasted Sebastopol Geese from Metzer-1 yr (breeding and laying)
Buff and black polish chicks
Black giant cochins chicks
Banty cochin chicks, some frizzled
1 Mille Fleur d’uccle cockerel
1 bcm cockerel
20 Buff brahma pullets
Indian Runner ducklings
EE chicks
American Chinchilla weanling bunnies
Hatching eggs: mixed polish, cuckoo marans, olive eggers, a few silkies and Indian runner ducks
A few silkie chicks
A wc blue polish cockerel and a splash pullet
A pair of lion head rabbits-1 yr old

Show or breeder quality splash silkie hens/pullets/chicks/eggs
Call ducklings or hatching eggs (preferably pastels)
Polish (especially frizzles)

4 lf cochins for ayeupchuck
3 Buff Brahma pullets for peepacheep
5 Runner ducklings for playswithfowl
3 lf cochin pullets, 1 dozen lf cochin eggs and 3 splash maran pullets for K7 Menagerie
1 buttercup pullet, 7 seramas and blue banty pullet for zoomummzy
2 cuckoo maran pullets for crittersnpets
2 black lf cochin chicks (1 frizzled) for happystaffs
2 olive egger pullets for dancinghen
Chook chow: 4 for noncentzer, 6 for newtochick, 6 for zoomummzy, 2 for ayeupchuck, 2 for K7 Menagerie, 2 for corgihouse, 2 for chkgnt, 2 for CathyM, (4 left for sale)
1 Golden Seabright hen for duckydowns
1 dz runner eggs for sakchickens
1 dz runner duck eggs for chkgnt
2 white silkie juvies and 2 cuckoo marans pullets for oregonjane
1 lf blue cochin cockerel and 3 black cochin pullets for leasurechix
Trio of blue wheaten ameraucanas for corgihouse
1 partridge and 1 blue silkie chicks for chicknfishn
1 3 mo old buttercup pullet for CathyM

Trio of mille cochins from Tallyho
Trio of mille cochins, black lf cochin hen and 2 soaps from K7 Menagerie
6 cayuga duck eggs from Tlb796
1 pint boysenberry cinnamon, 1-8 oz raspberry jam and 4-1/2 pints of low-sugar raspberry jam from Cathy M
10 blue and splash polish chicks , 2 chins and partridge silkie chicks (?) from Mrweaw
4 Fancy cupcakes, 1 rosemary, 1 basil and 1 eg and 1 gol tomato, 2 lettuce 6pks (one of each color), 1 walla walla 6 pk, 2 leeks, and 2 romanesco broccoli starts from Ayeupchuck
18 lbs of honey from Zanna
5 Hen aprons from Celiandy
Triple berry honey cheesecake from zoomummzy
2 buff polish chicks, 2 barnie pullets and 2 white bb turkey poults from happystaffs
4 Rabbit water bottles from lensters
3 polish chicks from newtochick
12 Silkie chicks from duckydowns
3 mo old lf black ameraucana pullet and lav EE pullet(?) from Cloverleaf
Quad of golden cuckoo marans from leasurechix

Bringing for Illia:
2 Tolbunt Polish x BC Marans pullets for K7 Menagerie
Blue Ameraucana roo for Cloverleaf
6 BCM chicks for Zanna

Getting for Illia:
Japanese Black Triefle tomato start from Ayeupchuck?

Getting for Gnarleydog
Trio of bobwhite quail from duckydowns
1 tomato from?
3 strawberries from?
Just want to double check if anyone else would like kefir grains. I will be setting up small starter jars tomorrow. The original grains are from another BYCer whose one request when he gave them to me was to pass them along to others. It is a great probiotic. Here is a link if you would like to read more about making kefir: http://users.sa.chariot.net.au/~dna/Makekefir.html#usual_method_for_kefir. Please pm me if you would like a starter jar. Looking forward to Saturday! Hope you are feeling better Cloverleaf!
Anyone interested in Cubalaya chicks?

I had a very successful hatch (go figure) last weekend and now have way more than I can keep.
I'll bring them if anyone is interested.
Hello all,
I thought I would show you my latest additions to my Seramas, they are one day old today...they are so adorable, the little black one has black legs and as such will be available as a pet so anyone who is looking for one please let me know. If you currently have other small day olds you could mix it in, otherwise you would need to wait until it is older. Also, obviously you would need a cage mate for it, which I could probably supply for you with future hatches. Also, I would like to offer a HUGE Thank you to Zoomummzy for taking my call at 11:30pm freaking out when I had a problem with the little ones hatching!!! You were awesome and a huge help! Anyways...here are some cute Serama fuzzy butts!!!


Sitting by a golf ball, they really are the same size or smaller then it, but on the comforter the ball sank down because it was heavier then they are!


I thought I had all of them in my hand, (did not count lol) after my son had taken this picture we discovered one had hidden behind my leg on the bed when I was gathering them up! They are so tiny that they can hide really well...until they start to cheep!
Anybody else heading to Canby from So OR? Medford area? I posted a request for a ride share for my sister in law earlier and then realized that I'm driving 4 1/2 hours by myself. Boring!

Anyway, I have a newer full size Dodge with canopy and lots of room if anyone wants to carpool. I'm planning on being up there by around 10:30 so leaving Medford around 6am.



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