Oregon Spring Poultry Swap May 5, 2012 in Canby!!!

I've joined Chookchicks Turkey Hatch and just realized that lockdown (for me) is the same day as the swap...yeah, my hatch is going to be a few days behind! LOL

Whew!! I though for a second there that you were going to say you weren't coming!!
Glad that wasn't it!
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Idea: It would kind of be cool if the week before the swap everyone who is attending changed their avatar to their actual picture so when we see someone they'd be a familiar face.

Well, we do have nametags available at the swap...and for me, I make a big sign that says "Cloverleaf Farm" at the top, and then list everything I have available and how much it is, so I don't have to keep answering the "how much do you want for that one" questions...

BTW - I WILL UPDATE THE HAVE / WANT LIST TOMORROW...to give everyone a chance to get in their changes before I post it...
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How do we get our list of wants on the official listing? Just put them here in a post? If so, here's mine:
2-4 adult hens, RIR, Barred Rock or Wyandotte. These girls would be pets, so those who have quit laying or slowed way down are just fine with me.
1 adult Polish hen, same circumstances as above.
2 adult Muscovy hens, also will be pets.
How do we get our list of wants on the official listing? Just put them here in a post? If so, here's mine:
2-4 adult hens, RIR, Barred Rock or Wyandotte. These girls would be pets, so those who have quit laying or slowed way down are just fine with me.
1 adult Polish hen, same circumstances as above.
2 adult Muscovy hens, also will be pets.

Yep, just like that. I add in new stuff when I update the list....which I'm doing tomorrow. :)

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