

I'm in Oregon, we are in the process of moving to a larger place with 0.75 acre (finally), so of course we are getting chickens! Most of the varieties I want to get can be found locally.

Murray McMurray has a variety that is Whiting True Blue and Whiting True Green. They sound like a cross breed from the beloved Easter egg varieties, but raised for brighter eggs/possibly higher egg production. I'd like to order some, but don't really need 6 (order minimum).

Wanted to ask if anyone wanted to go in on an order? I would look for delivery in April 2021.

If not, I may just end up ordering, and then re-home a couple. I know I can fine Araucanas,/Ameraucanas, but I was interested in trying these True Blue/Greens.

hi there! wondering if you got the Blue Eggers and now have fertilized eggs for them?
I hatched 9 Purebreds 2 wks ago - and only 1 is an auto-sexing breed (Cream Legbar) - so odds are I'll be re-homing a few adorable Cockerels, possible Breeding pairs. So far it looks possible that a Blue Marans and the BCM may be Cockerels.

I also got:

Mosaic/Ayam Cemani mix, dark lively stunners!
Basque, 2 sweet blondies who have multi-colored ruffly feathers so far
2 different Laced English Orpingtons - GL and SL - who could turn out to be male...but idk yet.

Feathering fast and sprouting tail feathers - all but the big legged BCM. I have hatching vids and baby pix in the Incubator forum under a First Hatch - varied Breeds thread.

Feel free to contact me if you wanted to add a couple possible Greenfire line gems to your Breeding program. I got the eggs from FoxfireFarmsLLC in N Idaho. I'm in the Portland area.

Incubator could be fired up again, anytime, btw.
Happy Spring!
hi there! wondering if you got the Blue Eggers and now have fertilized eggs for them?
I am targeting April or May for chicks. Reading more on experiences on shipping day old chicks I'm leaning toward purchasing 4 week olds. Have others shipped all the way to Oregon form MM?
Howdy fellow Oregonians :frow
I have a mated pair of geese I need to re-home unfortunately ): the gander is a 4 or 5 y/o Embden, his wife is a 9 m/o beautiful Brecon Buff. They are a very bonded pair and I really wish for them to remain together where ever they go. The poor gander has already lost 2 wives to predator attacks and it would be such a shame for him to part with his 3rd wife. The female has already begun laying. 10 eggs as of today! Although I don't have the experience or eye to tell if they were fertilized but they sure are good eggs for breakfast.

They are FREE to a GOOD HOME! You pick up, no delivery. They have a really good life here on the Sandy River and I hope they can have a comparable life elsewhere with plenty of space, a place to swim and bathe, lots of foraging. I wish I could keep them but recently I found out I may have to move and I have no clue at this point where I may be going and if my new home can accommodate geese. I refuse to post on CL out of fear they will just be butchered. I feel like there are more kind hearted folks on here. They are fun entertainment with deep personalities (especially the gander).:love

If anybody near Sandy is interested email me at klhewgley@gmail.com . Thanks for reading!


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Hi, I wanted to check in and see if anyone is interested in going in on an order of chicks from Murray McMurray? Based on the thread and talking to some friends who have ordered recieved chicks, I'm pushing my desired delivery date to the end of April hoping USPS and weather mellow. I'm 30 min from Portland. If anyone is interested let me know!

I had also been going back and forth of just ordering a couple of 4 week olds, but based on another conversation I've had, I'm back to chicks, but if I keep 15 chicks my husband will never forgive me.

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