
Any other Oregonians a bit worried about their hens tonight? It is supposed to get below 20 F tonight. Good thing I have barred rocks.
The internet told me a low of 30, but I'm prepared for 20. Two of my hens decided to pluck themselves naked this week, don't know why. So I took all three ladies and put them in a dog crate in the garage. I'd have just put a heat lamp on them but it looks like my lamp is broken, so the garage is the best solution i have.
I am in Beaverton, Oregon. Actually, we are officially in unincorporated Washington County--which is good as we can have chickens
Yeah, I hooked up all the heat lamps a couple nights ago...gonna go check on the banties now though, they like to sleep outside on their roost no matter what! dorks.
All my girls are staying inside the coop out of the wind. No one wants to venture out in the run. I put a heat lamp in their coop a couple nights ago with a 60 watt bulb in it. Keeps the coop comfortable. I built a water heater base (cookie tin with lamp socket, found here on BYC) for their outside water yesterday and it was on all night and no freezing water this morning! The water inside the coop is staying unfrozen because of the 60 watt bulb. I just made some oatmeal and took it out to the girls and they nearly flipped out they loved it so much! I'll give them some black oil sunflower seeds before dark tonight. Stay warm everyone! supposed to be colder tonight.
I'm new to BYC - Hello from Eagle Point / soon-to-be Medford. We just bought a place in Medford on an acre and are very excited about getting chickens for the first time. I've been doing a lot of browsing here, especially through all the pictures of the coops, and we've come up with a design for the coop we plan to build. We'll be getting our chicks in the spring, hopefully. We're looking at Buff Orpingtons, Black Sex Links and Gold Sex Links. Maybe an Americauna or two, as well. We're planning on at least 8, maybe as many as 12, although our coop and the attached run will be large enough to house up to 25 comfortably. We'll free-range during the day some, too.

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