
It's Official! We are moving to Portland at the end of next month! Not only am I looking forward to having chickens again, but I am excited to have trees, fresh air, and friendly neighbors again! Now the search for a place begins. We want to rent for a year before we decide where we want to buy. We want to live in Portland, but I've been noticing that there are a lot of really nice, newer homes for rent in Vancouver. Anyone know what the "chicken laws" are there?
I don't know about ordinances in Vancouver, but if you post on the Washingtonians thread, they'll be able to tell you. For the PDX area, try for Milwaukie, it is my understanding they have NO chicken ordinances!
I live in Vancouver and I love it here!!! The laws in city are no roo's and according to the guy in charge there is no limit on pullets, the only problem is if they have complaints, whether for noise or smells. So long as you keep it clean and take care of them you are good. I personally have 7 girls. I plan to keep more, I am hatching some Doms and Asils right now for a friend that has the best lines in the world of these types. I also have some Jersey Giants eggs that I will be hatching soon. My neighbors all know and are okay with them (that is important) and so I dont have to worry about complaints, I just keep them quiet and clean. If you move over here let me know! I am on the West side, I like it here more, its not so overly built up, and the lots are bigger. BTW...If you are outside city limits you are good to go with whatever!
Portland has a 3 hen limit, no roosters allowed. I'm not sure about Vancouver but if you went further out like Battleground/Ridgefield, there's farm land (horses, cows and chickens) and probably less restrictions...

We live in PDX but got a permit for more, many more. If I had to do it all over again and I needed to be in the city, I'd move to Milwaukee. Multnomah county taxes stink. LO and the Beav aren't as chicken friendly.

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