
Heather have you talked to Jean? I talked to her today and she said her geese were laying like crazy, and everything in her bator is developing...

No because I REALLY want an older female, rather than a gosling...have you ever raised them? They are SOOO messy, stinky, and need LOTS of room! I'd MUCH rather get my hands on something fully feathered and ready to go than mess with goslings or I'd hatch my own eggs.
But I'll double check with her...last time I checked she didn't have any adult females for sale.
Heather have you talked to Jean? I talked to her today and she said her geese were laying like crazy, and everything in her bator is developing...

No because I REALLY want an older female, rather than a gosling...have you ever raised them? They are SOOO messy, stinky, and need LOTS of room! I'd MUCH rather get my hands on something fully feathered and ready to go than mess with goslings or I'd hatch my own eggs.
But I'll double check with her...last time I checked she didn't have any adult females for sale.

I hear ya, I've never raised a gosling, but I imagine it'd be like raising giant nasty ducks! LOL I'm not looking forward to ducklings this year!!
No because I REALLY want an older female, rather than a gosling...have you ever raised them? They are SOOO messy, stinky, and need LOTS of room! I'd MUCH rather get my hands on something fully feathered and ready to go than mess with goslings or I'd hatch my own eggs.
But I'll double check with her...last time I checked she didn't have any adult females for sale.

I hear ya, I've never raised a gosling, but I imagine it'd be like raising giant nasty ducks! LOL I'm not looking forward to ducklings this year!!

They sure are cute, though! At least for while.
I was lucky enough to be able to brood my last batch in my MIL's coop. She's basically got two coops (one large one split down the middle) and she ranges her chickens during the warmer months so they only use one side. I locked the babies in the other with the heat lamp, food & water and the only "rent" I had to pay was that I fed/water all of her chickens while I was over there (I provided my own flock raiser, though). Oh and I stripped the coop when I was down and put in new shavings. It was worth it though...This was a few months until their pen was built.
of 27 chicks recvd - 26 are on their 5th week and doing fine. I opened the door to let them out into the protected outside run and they don't seem to be ready yet...I'll start opening everyday until they are brave enough to go outside and explore. we had a hawk hovering around for a couple of days, but he seems to have left my backyard (for the moment)...anyone else have hawk problems? i'm thinking of placing a plastic owl on the coop...now i know why people have those things!

all so pretty - really showing their true colors!
I have a terrible hawk problem in the city. I see them all the time and I have lost some birds to them (in a relatively secure pen). I read that CDs hanging from the trees helps. Wonder what the neighbors will think...?
Nope, not at all...LOL

I have two pips and someone, I think the polish she threw in, is peeping at me!

Well????? I can't believe you're keeping us in suspense....sheesh!
I have a terrible hawk problem in the city. I see them all the time and I have lost some birds to them (in a relatively secure pen). I read that CDs hanging from the trees helps. Wonder what the neighbors will think...?

I'm not in the city but we have a really bad hawk problem here. I've never lost a chicken to one though. My run is completely covered with bird netting secured to the coop, the fence and the garage. I check it for rips and tears constantly. I'm almost nuts about doing it but it's better than the alternative....

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