Organic vs. regular layer feed

That is an interesting point of view.....

The obesity rate is easy to explain. "Do dat do dat do I'm loving it" For a really good read on the fast food craze read fast food nation.....You will never eat fast food again.

The other topics are still up for debate, but most of the medical world say that the increase in rates is due to better sience in the diagnosis dept and in some cases of autism and ADD it's comes down to labeling.
We feed our chickens mainly rice (brown, white & wild) steamed in our rice cooker, since my wife works at a vegan/vegetarian restaurant we also get lots of other grains, millet, quinoa, amaranth, barley, along with raw seeds, flax, sunflower etc., they get their fresh corn from our garden along with the corn stalks, cucumbers, berries, zuchinni, figs, bean leaves, grass and bugs since they free-range we use as little as possible of processed layer feed, we mix a small amout with the rice. They also get DE and we mix raw apple cider vinegar in there water once a week, a 50# bag of feed will last us for sometime we now have 26 hens and one rooster. We try to feed them the best quality diet we can which is by far so much superior than your mass eggs farms. We don't avertise our eggs as organic but free-range which to many people are just fine. The kitchen where my wife works sell their eggs for $6.00 a dozen we ask $2.50.
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This is absolutely, unequiocally, without question FALSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Corn is a source of energy via carbohydates, it is a HORRIBLE source of protein.

But who said you have to feed a chicken corn and only corn? It is a straw man argument. The question is whether you have to feed non-plant sources of protein. The answer is no. The other question is if you feed a mix of plant products do they have to be scientifically proportioned to give you an egg-like protein mix in every bite. The answer is no.

Any nutrionist that tells you that every spoonfull of food you put in your mouth needs to be perfectly balanced for amino acids has not been reading the scientific literature the last 20 years. Any textbook that says that was out of date in 1972.

It might be cheaper to use non-plant sources; undoubtedly so, as a byproduct of our industrialized food production. That is an entirely different argument than saying you can't make an organic plant-based feed that is healthy.

Personally, I try not to feed chicken back to chickens, but don't care much after that. It seems to me that chickens will eat anything and I'm sure during the thousands of years people have kept chickens they scavenged just about anything around the farmstead. All this protein in chick starter is just a modern substitute for insects. Jungle fowl don't have fields of soybeans to eat and they don't take down angus cows or pluck fish from rivers.

I was responding to this quote of yours:

" All plant sources have all the amino acids. Even corn, which is always quoted as having no lysine. Yes, not as much as beef or soybeans, but enough. Enough in the sense that if all you ate was corn, and consumed enough calories to survive, you would get all the lysine you needed. "

There are many feeds on the market that do nut utilize animal proteins. There is a difference between that and being Organically Certified where you can not use Amino Acids since their production involves fermentation by GMO bacteria.

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I think the bottom line of this whole thread is whether you think of "modern" methods as friend or foe....

If you believe that the USDA is your friend and has you and your flock in their best interest...then you can trust the items they approve for market.

If you believe that we need to get back to "old time" methods and that it's not just better diagnosis...that there really were less health issues way back when....the you need to do your homework on the places that you choose to buy from...reguardless of whether they are certified by anyone or not.

While I have my preference....if you notice...I'm not encouraging anyone to choose one way over another in this perticular post.... All I'm saying is do your OWN homework on this issue...collect opinions from everyone but keep in mind they are just that....OPINIONS!
Then make the choice that suits you and your beliefs best.

I'd rather see all of us self-educating on topics that we are unsure about than if we were to just pick the most popular (or most "authentic" looking) opinions posted here. It's like choosing a President based on charisma .... anyone can talk a good game...but YOU have to do your homework to get at the meat and bones of an issue.

Thank heaven for Google, Yahoo, and Wikipedia! BYC is a fantastic place for opinions and a starting point...but don't stop here...investigate for your self.

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