Other ways to sell eggs!

hi all. so i tried something different this week. I sold pumpkin pies made with my backyard eggs. It was just a trial...I didn't know if it would be successful or not. IT TOTALLY WAS!!! I sold 3 pies for $15 EACH (i included homemade whipped cream) Each pie had 3 eggs. It was the eggs that totally made the difference! Everyone said they wanted to eat a pie with real free range, really organic, and definitely local eggs! $15 y'all! crazy. (because i charged so much i used quality ingredients, even made the pumpkin puree.) Next month I'm going to try to sell Eggnog. It's my grandma's old recipe.
Hopefully it will be as successful.
That got me thinking...In what other ways do you sell your eggs?
Looking forward to all your creative ideas!
Happiness and love to you all!
I would love to have your eggnog recipe?
I only have TWO! lol. We don't really eat eggs, so there is enough to share. What breeds do you have? i've leghorn crosses so they give me 14 eggs per week. (yes, 2 eggs everyday, for now at least). if you have 4, you might get a lot of eggs!

Lol! My mom and I are vegetarians (not vegan, obviously) and we both eat a lot of eggs for protein. 4 eggs a day might be enough, assuming that all 4 lay every day. I have a barred rock, a buff orpington, a buff brahma, and a standard cochin. Maybe I should've gotten a leghorn!

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From left to right: Iris, Aster, Zinnia, and Poppy.
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I dont sell my baked goods just the eggs.
But, When i get to many eggs in my fridge i make an angel food cake, and a pan of custard with the yolks.
My family loves it when i get overstock of eggs!

Good golly, that sounds divine!!! I'm a terrible cook/baker/chef. My husband does that stuff. He is the bread baker around here. I'm the bread winner. :cool:

I wonder if he will make yummy treats if we ever have an egg surplus... I sure hope so! You have a lucky, lucky family!
My pumpkin cheesecake is according to everyone that eats it the best they have ever had my niece this thanksgiving asked me if I was sure that I made them from scratch which I was sure next year I will be able to make them from home grown eggs from my egg tree so we will see what that does for taste

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