Our new shed to coop conversion!


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 5, 2008
Bucks County PA
We have 11 hens at the moment, the current run and coop is built onto the side of our garage. They are being relocated to a shed which will give them full time access to compost adjacent to our garden and also to the garden over the winter.

I just had a 10x12 shed delivered today, going to start fitting it out and will post the progress here. My goal is to give them enough food and water for 3-4 weeks at a time with an automatic door for less maintenance. I got the secondhand shed from a local place that sells new ones, they occasionally get old ones in return and the cost to get these is the delivery cost which in my case was $250. The foundation I did with cinderblock and brick, levelled with string line... I measured the shed exactly and was right on for the most part.

I have gotten a bunch of ideas from this forum to incorporate. Stay tuned! Hope to have them settled in a week.
Hey that looks great! When we moved to our new home in the country I turned an old shed into one of my chicken coops an I also built two runs onto two rooms of an old trailer that the previous owners left and made two more pens. Cool to see someone else doing something similar!
Got some work done this weekend. For now I have only insulated the corner where the roosts will go which faces SW. I have put an outlet above for a heat lamp if needed, here in SE Penn we didn't need one last winter. The Pullet-Shut automatic door is installed and working great. The gable vents will have covers. I may lower the roost area a little, I wanted space underneath for raising new chicks but think I went a little generous on that. I am also going to cut a door in the back wall for ease in cleaning the coop and putting all the poop into their run/composting area which is just adjacent to the garden. I decided not to glue down the vinyl flooring, the wood I added seems to hold it down fine.

More photos, the girls went in last night although I still have a few odds and ends to take care of including painting the shed to match our garage. Had a few escape the fenced in compost area this AM, not sure how they got out but think they flew over the 4 ft fence, need to clip their wings again I guess.

I am not a carpenter by trade, just figuring it out as I go. I plan to add a bigger water and feed source.

Last night none of them made it in, I had to round them up after a few beers. One ended up across the yard in the old run, old habits die hard I guess!

This am there were still a few on the roost at 9am, I issued them demerits and shooed them off. They are using the boxes. Hope they figure it out quick, think I may adjust the pullet-shut door to stay open later tonight

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