Our Shipping Crate Coop - finally finished!!! (pic heavy)

That is BEAUTIFUL and well thought out!
Aw, you guys are just so nice - thank you!
It may be a while before we try such a project again, lol!

And thank you, nurse_turtle and chemguy, for your help with the windows. I'll definitely try that!
We just couldn't figure out why they didn't close - they just seem to defy gravity...

Joan1708, who has a "peep at the coops"? That sounds like something I'd love to go to!!

Citychick and Wolftracks, I used the part that I cut out of the ceiling to make the end caps. After I cut through the ceiling, I realized that they'd used a double-thickness of plywood up there. So I used a pencil and string to draw an arc on a piece of butcher paper and just drew around my pattern on the wood pieces. If I did it again, I'd be sure to make the cutout 12" longer than the width of the crate, so I'd have a 6" overhang on each side. Mine only has a 3" overhang on each side and I was lucky to have that! I cut out the ventilation openings and attached screening to the inside.

We attached 2x4's on all four edges of the top of the crate and attached the end caps to that (at the bottom), with three 2x4's flush with the endcaps at the very top, as rafters, that the corrugated roofing would attach to. Wish I'd taken a picture before we added the roofing panels...

For anyone in this area who's interested, there's a guy in Lewisville who sells this size shipping crate on Craigslist for $150. I thought that was a bargain, since most coops this size on CL sell for $1000 to $1500. He mostly sells them as deer blinds. PM me for more info, if you'd like...

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