Outdoor run issues. Help please!


Mar 25, 2020
I have a very large outdoor run that is attached to my coop and covered run. The outdoor run is only covered in chicken wire. So the outdoor run gets wet. Previously, it was grass, then compacted dirt. My husband tills it in the spring so they can dig around in there. A few years ago we added the appropriate sand. My issues are these: 1) the sand stinks when wet because it isn’t covered. We run about 20 hens in this set up. 2) the hens daily scratch all substrate away from the walls. We do have enrichment for them that they utilize and they get supervised hours outside to free range daily.

in the last couple of days I’ve put hardwood chips (2 scoop buckets = a full truck bed - didn’t fill it all so I will have to get another load)
So my question is what in the world can I do to keep the bedding by the walls without having to rake it daily as I am? It wasn’t as noticeable with just the sand. We’ve had to put some landscape bricks around the outside to keep neighbor dogs from seeing the gaps. My primary concern is safety. But also if this is something I can prevent, I’d love to hear your ideas.
What kind of sand do you use? Play sand can be cancerous and can cause numberous other health problems with chickens. Maybe with the scratching problem you put their scratch feed towards the center?
Is the run not aproned? That would close up any gaps as well as deter predators from digging in.

To keep the birds from scratching as vigorously at the fence line I line my run with large branches. Does the same as bricks, just covers more ground for less $ (though they do slowly decompose).

Is the run not aproned? That would close up any gaps as well as deter predators from digging in.

To keep the birds from scratching as vigorously at the fence line I line my run with large branches. Does the same as bricks, just covers more ground for less $ (though they do slowly decompose).

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Yes it is aproned, but it’s the first place they go to scratch. They dig holes under the apron. We’ve tried filling it in with rocks but we need something sturdier. This actually looks perfect. I’ll show my husband. We’ve had several flocks and this batch is by far the busiest.
1) the sand stinks when wet because it isn’t covered.
I have an open run too, after the first year it started to smell and water stagnated after lots of rain.
I solved the problem : digging holes and filled them with pebbles against stagnating water + I add compost and autumn leaves to keep the soil healthy / compensate the chicken poop.

Now the soil is very much alive. It has worms and other life in it.
My chickens stay in the run about 75% of the (day)time and free range too.
Play sand can be cancerous and can cause numberous other health problems with chickens.
Playground sand should be poison free! Never heard it can cause cancer. That would be ridiculous. We don’t want our children playing in poisonous sand.

It also doesn't drain very well.
Not true either.

I think you are mistaken somehow. I use playground sand and mix it with DE to top up the sand-bath area from time to time. I put a window under an angle in the run for a dry spot where my chickens like to bath.

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