Over the counter help for bumblefoot


In the Brooder
Aug 12, 2020
I have a duck and a chicken with bumblefoot, and I cannot afford to get them to a vet for over the counter prescriptions. Are there alternatives to Amoxicillin and other antibiotics?
Have you tried any of the remedies suggested on this site? How bad is the bumblefoot - can you post pictures?
There's not really alternatives to antibiotics if they have a severe infection... I think some folks use Polysporin without pain relief depending on the case.
IMG_4511.jpeg IMG_4509.jpeg Have you tried any of the remedies suggested on this site? How bad is the bumblefoot - can you post pictures?
There's not really alternatives to antibiotics if they have a severe infection... I think some folks use Polysporin without pain relief depending on the case.
Have you tried any of the remedies suggested on this site? How bad is the bumblefoot - can you post pictures?
There's not really alternatives to antibiotics if they have a severe infection... I think some folks use Polysporin without pain relief depending on the case.
This was a few days ago, after an epsom salt soak and after attempts to remove the infection. Looking at these, it is much less swollen, but still worries me. What more can I do? I will try to get better pictures updated tomorrow.
Did you manage to remove any solid pus from the site?
Not really that I was able to find, except for yellow scabbing at the top of the injury. I removed all of the scabbing, and after that it was just blood and pink flesh. Do I need to go back in?
Not really that I was able to find, except for yellow scabbing at the top of the injury. I removed all of the scabbing, and after that it was just blood and pink flesh. Do I need to go back in?
It sounds like there might be pus somewhere still inside if that's the case.... :[ You might need to use a scalpel and make an incision.... Going to call on some duck folks here for better insight. @Miss Lydia @Jenbirdee
It sounds like there might be pus somewhere still inside if that's the case.... :[ You might need to use a scalpel and make an incision.... Going to call on some duck folks here for better insight. @Miss Lydia @Jenbirdee
Thank you! I will try to go back in and do the same for the chicken who came up with it today. Anything I can do to numb the duck as I know he won’t like it and I won’t like it either? Also, assuming there is a lot of blood, how do I know if I made it to the infection?
Thank you! I will try to go back in and do the same for the chicken who came up with it today. Anything I can do to numb the duck as I know he won’t like it and I won’t like it either? Also, assuming there is a lot of blood, how do I know if I made it to the infection?
I don't know about numbing, maybe @Eggcessive would know? But I would also try and do some more Epsom salt poultices to see if you could draw it out that way before going to the surgical route.
The pus should be a solid white/yellow substance, similar to cottage cheese almost. It can be quite hard to get it out. Some people make a small incision at the scab site and then try to squeeze out the pus. I've never done it myself.
Bumblefoot has a black scab that you soak and then remove the scab and scoop out any of the cheese like infection stuff and then pack it with Epson salt poultice use a pad and wrap the foot with Vet wrap . The pictures you posted don’t look like you need to use a scalpel. I would just try the Epson salt poultice

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