Pain meds?


Sep 3, 2023
Hi there I know people ask about pain meds a lot and I see aspirin recommended. My question is slightly different...

I have a hen who has been having issues laying for a while. I had made the decision to cull her but then she started getting better so I thought we'd see how it goes. Well it has gone badly. Her vent was normal this morning when I let everyone out, and now I've just found her with a bloody, protruding vent. I suspect she got an egg stuck and the others got to her before I did.

She seems to be in tremendous pain. I put her in the bath and helped her pass a very tiny egg but her vent is in a bad state. I think I will need to cull her now as this problem doesn't seem to be resolving and I don't want her to live like this.

Is there a medication (besides aspirin, I don't actually have any) I can give her that is really strong and might actually cause her to die? As long as she isn't in pain when she goes, that is what I care about the most. My husband will be home in a few hours and he does the cone killing so if I can't find anything then he can do that when he gets here.

Thanks in advance.
Update I found some old 81 mg aspirin, I gave her a whole tablet. I have some gabapentin that was prescribed to my dog for after her recent spay... Can I give her that? My mom has some opiate painkillers, would that work?

Or should I just let my husband take care of it in a few hours
Painkillers usually have a harsh effect on the liver for long term use... we had our senior cat on gabapentin and essentially were told it was a matter of time before it caused other issues. I don't know enough about painkillers and chickens to give you other advice, but if she has had many issues even after this is resolved she will likely have more issues in the future. If it was me personally I would cull. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful.
@Eggcessive @azygous @Wyorp Rock maybe might have some better ideas....

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