Pale combs & dirty bums


In the Brooder
May 21, 2024
Hello. Could anyone tell me why 3 out of my 5 hens have pale combs and dirty bums? I gave them Corid for a week in their water. Now I just put electrolytes in their water to change it up. They eat pellet feed, and get fly larve and corn for snacks. They haven’t laid eggs since last winter with a few here and there…I just noticed that one has a black spot on her comb as well. They seem fine otherwise and free range a few hours a day. We have hawks so I sit out with them when I get home from work. They are about 3 years old. Pictures are attached.


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Noted. Thank you for responding. I am in Westchester NY. The weather has been great so far. There is some runny poop once in a while but I’m more concerned about the white combs and them not laying. They get about 1/2 cup of corn and fly larve in the morning and the same before they go in for the night. Is that too much? I’m a first time chicken mom lol.
Noted. Thank you for responding. I am in Westchester NY. The weather has been great so far. There is some runny poop once in a while but I’m more concerned about the white combs and them not laying. They get about 1/2 cup of corn and fly larve in the morning and the same before they go in for the night. Is that too much? I’m a first time chicken mom lol.
The pale combs are normal this time of year and when they are not laying. The black spot on the comb looks like a little dried blood from pecking and is not usually something to worry about. I would say cut the treats by at least half. Do you know how old they are?
The pale combs are normal this time of year and when they are not laying. The black spot on the comb looks like a little dried blood from pecking and is not usually something to worry about. I would say cut the treats by at least half. Do you know how old they are?
They have been the same way all through summer as well. I am definitely cutting the treats in half. They are about 3 years old..
Noted. Thank you for responding. I am in Westchester NY. The weather has been great so far. There is some runny poop once in a while but I’m more concerned about the white combs and them not laying. They get about 1/2 cup of corn and fly larve in the morning and the same before they go in for the night. Is that too much? I’m a first time chicken mom lol.
Their combs will shrink and loose color in the winter, especially while they are molting.

I’d say those are probably good treats to be giving, extra protein is important to help with molts. Not too much at all.
That is unusual. They should have turned bright red during the summer. What type of pellets are you feeding them?
That’s what I thought. They really haven’t laid eggs during the summer either. In the beginning of the summer we were getting 2-3 but by mid July til now, everything stopped. I don’t remember the exact brand of pellets they are getting. I keep them in a container. I think it was Parina but I’m unsure the % too.
What is the best brand they should have? Could they have mites or something??

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