Paralyzed 4 month old pullets

I don't give mine any, but still, just doing it for a while, mixed in their feed, wouldn't cause something this drastic to happen.

Too much of anything besides their feed can cause them to eat less feed, thus vitamin deficiencies can occur, but usually over long term.

You're supplementing with Poultry Cell so that should be covering any losses, but I still would try the E and B-Complex for two weeks prior to deciding to cull them. If then you see no improvement, you can decide. I've been there, and it's not an easy thing to do.
Thank you very much.
I brought her inside and have been treating her for vitamin B deficiency. She can eat and drink on her own, but she can't stand up. Until a few days ago, I positioned her with her legs folded underneath her body, and she would shakily stand up on her hocks to poop. Now her knees won't bend enough to do that, so she is lying with her legs sticking out behind her.

One of my other pullets from the same batch started looking wobbly just now.

They were vaccinated for Marek's at the hatchery.

The pullets are 4 months old Buckeyes.
What are you feeding? Name/brand of feed and what kind?

Can you post photos of the pullets?

I agree, I would give the vitamins directly, see if they help.

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