Paralyzed 4 month old pullets

So sorry for that diagnosis and for the other loss. Thank you for sharing the necropsy results. is also called blackhead, which affects turkeys more often. Cecal worms should be treated with fenbendazole or Valbazen in all of your flock. SafeGuard liquid Goat wormer should be given 0.25 ml per pound orally for at least 3 days for cecal worms, and for capillary worms, give it for 5 days. Do you have any turkeys around your chickens?
I don't own any turkeys, but there are wild turkeys all over.
My goodness, you've been through a difficult time. I'm so sorry for your losses. It is good to know what affected them so you can take the right action moving forward.

If you acquired them recently as pullets, did you happen to contact the hatchery from where you purchased them to make them aware? Wondering if they also raise / sell turkeys that may have caused this situation.

I lost most of my first flock to predators in the spring. A pullet from a different batch of chicks died randomly in August. and now I have more birds who are unwell. I know chickens die but I didn't know it would be this bad.
I lost most of my first flock to predators in the spring. A pullet from a different batch of chicks died randomly in August. and now I have more birds who are unwell. I know chickens die but I didn't know it would be this bad.
I completely understand and can empathize. We have lost 7 pullets over the course of the past 10 months to various causes. Every loss is devastating in it's own way. I hope the rest of your flock remains healthy. Wishing you the best.
I'm sorry to hear about Aang too:hugs

Thank you for the update, it's sad, but I'm also glad you were able to get more information so you can treat the others and hopefully move forward without any other problems.

Good advice as always from @Eggcessive
So sorry for that diagnosis and for the other loss. Thank you for sharing the necropsy results. is also called blackhead, which affects turkeys more often. Cecal worms should be treated with fenbendazole or Valbazen in all of your flock. SafeGuard liquid Goat wormer should be given 0.25 ml per pound orally for at least 3 days for cecal worms, and for capillary worms, give it for 5 days. Do you have any turkeys around your chickens?
My favorite bird from this batch of chicks just started looking sick. I can't wait for this to be over. It's taking all my sweetest chickens.

I didn't know they would be still be so susceptible to disease after the 0-12 week chick phase was over. I don't see how I can do this again. I don't understand how people can keep chickens at all. It's been nothing but loss.

I've seen some threads on here with people using anti protozoals like Metronidazole. I am going to try to find some online.

@Eggcessive thank you for the advice and for telling me the common name of blackhead. Thank you everyone who has commented. The discussion and sympathy has been very helpful.

Update - Nutmeg was dead when I got home from work today.
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