Now is the time to get all who are concerned about the geese welfare to rally together and go to this meeting have 1 spokes person who can talk without screaming and pointing blame, in other words someone who has the knack of getting through to people in a voice that has meaning but not screaming. Maybe you?? It's all worth a try, but we see it all the time here in the USA respect for life whether animal or human just seems to have gotten lost some where. Please keep us updated.Even before the Parish Council bought new geese it was suggested to pen the geese in if they were so desperate to reintroduce them. They were not willing to do it, I think its because of the cost and effort. Its a small village that doesn't have a lot of money and they didn't want to be seen spending money on geese when money should be spent elsewhere in the village. So it was just easier to buy some goslings, release them and let them fend for themselves.
The geese use up so much water. The lady in the article looked after the original geese, she dug a hole in the ground and put a porcelain sink in for the geese to use. Had to sweep out water and fill it everyday. The geese loved it and they had fresh water to drink everyday.
These are all logical suggestions, but I do not know if the Parish Council will allow it. They will be the ones to have to agree to a fence being put up on the village green and to pay for all needs of the geese.
There is going to be a Parish Council meeting on monday and the topic of the geese is on the agenda. I hope that they decide to build a fence for the geese to keep them safe but I am betting that they decide to build a fence around the playground to keep the geese out to end the poop problem. I will have my fingers crossed but they have never seen these geese as living breathing animals and their welfare hasn't been their concern. Sadly they are viewed more as disposable ornaments.