Peachick trouble hatching Help please


7 Years
Sep 19, 2012
I have 5 peafowl eggs hatching one broke a hole in the shell yesterday on 6/25/2013 but today the 26th still no bigger hole is it having trouble should I try to help or let it do its thing humidity is between 59 to 65 % with temp at 99 to 100. Please I don't want them to die.
I helped mine was a shipped egg with a funky air sack. I started peeling the shell back and made sure there was no blood. I did a little at a time and let the chick try and hatch itself. After over a day, I got to its feet, and it finally hatched the rest of the way. I let it rest before taking it out of the incubator. Just make sure there is no blood if you help when you peel the shell! If there is, stop. The baby also needs time to absorb all it's yolk.
I did remove some of the shell and it finally hatched itself out but when I woke up this morning the umbilical cord was still attached to it. It wasn't bleeding but after 3 hours was still attached and dry so I clipped it off now has a soar there now and is having trouble walking toes curled legs don't seem to work it kinda crawls around. Took it over 30 hours to hatch out. Any info.
...the umbilical cord was still attached to it. It wasn't bleeding but after 3 hours was still attached and dry so I clipped it off now has a soar there...
OK, I do not and have never hatched peas, but from what I read here I understand that you shouldn't do this.
Apparently this is something that they need to absorb into their bodies?
Just thought I should mention this, someone who knows better will hopefully correct me if this is wrong.
Very good chance of infection getting in through the umbilical area if not healed properly... Not sure what one should do.


Edited to add:
In horses it's called navel ill if infection sets in. To prevent it, we dip the umbilical area in something like chlorhexadine or betadine at birth, but I have no idea what should be done with chicks.
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