Peachicks poop looks unhealthy


In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2023
We have a peachick (Very young, 4 days old, similar weight I believe) that spends most of its time sleeping, and doesn't seem to want to eat. It's poop has been runny, and has been needing to have it's vent unblocked most days. The seeming lethargy and lack of desire to eat started early this morning. No other birds seem to be exhibiting any symptoms. We received all three as day old chicks Thursday (June 20th). Diet consists of water and Purina 30% protein game bird starter, and housing/bedding consist of a red bulb heat lamp and pine shavings. At a loss as to how to proceed if treatment is needed, but will absolutely find a vet if that's what's needed.

We are new to raising peas and could really use extra advice on what to do.


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Seems like a bacterial infection if its vemt needs unblocking. The poop seems fairly normal to me, as long as theres no blood or foam or yellow ish I wouldn't worry but since its really young it is something to be concerned about. You can try syringing some egg yolk with multi vitamins for an extra boost. I'd also offer the food as a paste. Can you send pics of it and the vent area?
I never saw this post or I would have told you that there is a bacterial infection and to give a tiny drop of Baytril orally and to remove the poo ball. You may have to give the antibiotic for two or three days.
I wonder if this may have been moved here from a different forum? I didn't see it until now either.

The OP made a different post in here around the same date and you answered that. I think this is the same peachick we were talking to the OP about tube feeding and it sadly passed away.

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