Pecking off feathers and eating them?


Jan 11, 2025
Lubbock Texas
It started with my rooster rubbing off the feathers on their backs and wings. So I got rid of the roo because my girls looked rough. Now the backs of their heads have bald spots and 3 have lots of missing tail feathers. I’m so upset they look so bad. I’m out there all the time and never see anything crazy. But one thing I have noticed is they eat any feather they pick off! There is Some squaking here and there but nothing crazy so I’m shocked that in the last 2 days they look so much worse!I have 8 ladies left now in a 10x12 run with a 10x10 coop. I purchased a poultry block that says it helps with feather eating. What else can I do!? I’ve looked them over and definitely no lice or mites. They are doing it to themselves. Could they be doing it on the roost or something?
Sounds like they eating new pin feathers coming in.

What do you feed, including treats?
Feather picking can often be hard to correct once it's started. The new feathers apparently are tasty.

You may have to try putting pinless peepers on all of them until they feather back in, then take them off, see if the picking starts back up.
Sounds like they eating new pin feathers coming in.

What do you feed, including treats?
Feather picking can often be hard to correct once it's started. The new feathers apparently are tasty.

You may have to try putting pinless peepers on all of them until they feather back in, then take them off, see if the picking starts back up.
It was the new pin feathers and now they have moved to all the feathers around the base of the tail. It all started with the rooster rubbing them off then I think I got a couple feather pluckers 😞
I feed a layer feed 17% protein mixed with a bit of cracked corn that I usually just do in the colder months and to add filler. Then the kids will feed mealworms maybe a few handfuls once a day. I got that protein black just 2 days ago that had protein and some minerals and it claims to help with feather eating.
It was the new pin feathers and now they have moved to all the feathers around the base of the tail. It all started with the rooster rubbing them off then I think I got a couple feather pluckers 😞
I feed a layer feed 17% protein mixed with a bit of cracked corn that I usually just do in the colder months and to add filler. Then the kids will feed mealworms maybe a few handfuls once a day. I got that protein black just 2 days ago that had protein and some minerals and it claims to help with feather eating.
Yes, the pin feathers coming in usually have some blood, that's tasty I suppose.

Maybe the block will help, if it doesn't, then the only thing I can think of is the Pinless Peepers. Many people use them. It may be worth a shot putting them on until everyone has feathered back in, then taking them off and seeing if the plucking resumes or that has fixed the problem until molting season.
Yes, the pin feathers coming in usually have some blood, that's tasty I suppose.

Maybe the block will help, if it doesn't, then the only thing I can think of is the Pinless Peepers. Many people use them. It may be worth a shot putting them on until everyone has feathered back in, then taking them off and seeing if the plucking resumes or that has fixed the problem until molting season.
I really appreciate the reply. It’s so sad because they were so pretty and fluffy. I’ll look into the peepers now!
I’m also going to be working on an outdoor area from their run to give them more space. It’s hard though because we live on the edge of town so we have all the town dogs and cats and also all the wild critters and hawks. 🫤

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