It started with my rooster rubbing off the feathers on their backs and wings. So I got rid of the roo because my girls looked rough. Now the backs of their heads have bald spots and 3 have lots of missing tail feathers. I’m so upset they look so bad. I’m out there all the time and never see anything crazy. But one thing I have noticed is they eat any feather they pick off! There is Some squaking here and there but nothing crazy so I’m shocked that in the last 2 days they look so much worse!I have 8 ladies left now in a 10x12 run with a 10x10 coop. I purchased a poultry block that says it helps with feather eating. What else can I do!? I’ve looked them over and definitely no lice or mites. They are doing it to themselves. Could they be doing it on the roost or something?