Pecking Order??


12 Years
Mar 31, 2007
East Brady, PA
As my 13 girls get bigger, some of the smaller ones are getting picked on. The larger ones seem to be bullying them and I am quite sure they are being over-run at the feeder.

Here is a quick pic of some of the girls


Now, would it be okay to take a few of the larger ones and set them up in another container, or would this really mess them up socially? I'm just worried these smaller babies aren't quite getting their fair share.

Thanks in advance-
If no one is actually getting injured, just leave them together. They must work out their own little social order. If you separate them, they go back to square one. Sometimes it looks brutal, I know, but they know how they want to organize themselves and dont let us choose for them, LOL!
Jessica, You may need to provide more space. I'm not sure how big your brooder is, but not enough room causes stress and pecking. More room to move around makes alot of difference in behavior.

Sorry, Jess, since everyone seems to have these huge brooders, it didn't occur to me to ask how big yours was! How many chicks and how large is the space they're in? I do find that sometimes the first day or so after they're shipped, they do pick at each others' feet and eyes, but after they eat alot and drink their fill and take a nap, it usually subsides.
Ahh - they are a bit crowded.
I never thought about crowding.

We were supposed to have our occupancy permit for our new place on Friday, but the electric company held us up, they weren't working on Friday. I had planned to have them in their new digs by Saturday, so yeah, they are a bit crowded.

We should have the electric turned on tomorrow morning sometime and I (hopefully) will be able to get them into their coop tomorrow evening.

Their new coop is quite large. I don't know the exact dimensions, it's one of those prefab sheds. I have all the stuff to put the nest boxes in and all that, but no power to cut and install them...

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It certainly sounds like the new digs will help with this problem somewhat.

But maybe you could try adding another feeder. We have 17 birds and 4 feeders and have found there is very little fighting over feed.

I have also noticed that some of the birds that are lower on the pecking order will sometimes eat after the others have eaten and moved on to something else.

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