I need help my vet told me to go to this website to see if I get any answers. I have a rooster who 2 days ago his feet were swollen and secreting yellow liquid. Now today his feet are peeling effortlessly and I've never seen that before and I'm just lost on how to deal with it. Anything helps thank you!
Where are you located in the world?He is also very young i hatched him. I'd say maybe couple months? I'm not sure. He hasn't gotten his spurs yet. And I feed mine scratch and let them free roam except this last snow I kept them in their chicken yard and coop.
Can you post photos of the whole bird?
Couple of months old? A bird that young needs to be fed a nutritionally balanced Chick Starter that is 18-22% Protein. Most Scratch formulas are around 8-11% protein.
I'm not seeing much swelling of the foot. I do see skin peeling. If it's been really cold, perhaps he suffered some frostbite, but I don't really see any necrotic or frostbitten tissue in the photos.
Could be he's suffering from nutritional/vitamin deficiency and it's showing up in the feet.