Hi to all from Germany too!

My flock: 1 Vorwerk, 1 White Sussex, 1 German Sperber, 1 Bovans Black, 1 Maran and 3 Swedisch Flower. This is my fourth year, and like last year I plan to get breeding eggs again as soon as a hen turns broody. Am planning on getting Cream Legbar and Ostfriesian Möwen eggs this time!
I'm very much against importing breeds in general.
Given a choice I would stick to the local breeds here and not mix them.
Since we don't really have any "local" breeds here, I am planning to import hatching eggs from the UK in spring. OEG (LF) and Andalusians :plbb Both are available in Ireland, but the strain of OEG that I'm after I find near impossible to get hold of and Andalusians are pretty rare here.

Current flock got downsized to 1 Sussex hen and 1 OEG hen.

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