Oh my goodness, seriously spring has arrived - yesterday I was shopping in Bergerac and when I got back to the car it said 22c :eek:OK that was in the sun but even moving along it was 17-19c :eek:

I've just spend ages going through this thread looking for the info that @Shadrach and @Anaray kindly added and I've asked Sumi to help me get it all into the first post so it is easy to find if you need to point anyone in that direction. I will try in future to update as we go so as not to waste so much of my own time :barnie:lau . So if anyone adds any product info to the tread please tag me so I can edit it into the first post - thanks!

Shadrach - are you OK we've not seen you :frow
Oh my goodness, seriously spring has arrived - yesterday I was shopping in Bergerac and when I got back to the car it said 22c :eek:OK that was in the sun but even moving along it was 17-19c :eek:

I've just spend ages going through this thread looking for the info that @Shadrach and @Anaray kindly added and I've asked Sumi to help me get it all into the first post so it is easy to find if you need to point anyone in that direction. I will try in future to update as we go so as not to waste so much of my own time :barnie:lau . So if anyone adds any product info to the tread please tag me so I can edit it into the first post - thanks!

Shadrach - are you OK we've not seen you :frow
I'm okay thanks. It's a big site with lots of places to hide.:p
I'm here most days on and off.
Oops sorry cross post there Shad'!
Permethrin spray, or dust for the chickens and a blow torch for the coops.
Don't get the two treatments mixed up!
:lau:lau OK I'm really glad I didn't spend over €20 on the chemicals (I think deep down I really didn't want to as I hate the idea of them sleeping in chemicals) I'm sure there must be a natural solution and you have just told me :ya! That is fab - we have one of those cool weed killer long handled blow torches is that the sort of thing you mean? how long do you have to hold it on each place or is it more a sweep trying to get all surfaces?
My view and the view of current science is DE is not only a waste of money it may also be harmful to chicken and human lungs.
:confused: it's so confusing isn't it - so many pro the stuff and so many anti. I had been given a pot of it and then didn't use it after reading about the respiratory issues. I then saw it on the shelf yesterday being sold specifically to debug coops and I thought I'd just give it a try. Kind of wish I hadn't now - I stopped using it for a reason!!! Hopefully one sprinkle won't hurt them and I'll step away from the bottle of it from now on :rolleyes:
Red mite are not in fact red! They are translucent gray/white. They only go red after sucking the blood of the chicken. Scaly leg mite are very small and difficult to see with the naked eye.
Ahhhhhh that is good to know - I was looking for red things!!! I know I have the SLM - I'm in the process of treating them.

We've been using the blow torch as a firelighter (SO efficient :lau) so I'm guessing there won't be much gas left! Will have to go get more.
If you can remove the perches and check the perch ends, if you've got red mite they'll probably be there. You can burn those off well away from the coop.
Tbh, a lot depends on the type of coop you have. If you look at my coop page you can see why cleaning with a blow torch is very easy for me. I just run the flame of the torch (the blue tip is hottest at around 400 degrees Centigrade) over the perch ends and the seams where the walls and floors meet. Obviously the coop needs to be empty of any type any bedding etc. It may not be practicable for you with your coop/s.
You need to be careful and confident do clean this way so some practice away from the coop is highly recommended!
If you can remove the perches and check the perch ends, if you've got red mite they'll probably be there. You can burn those off well away from the coop.
My roosts are totally removable - just a 8x8cm beam on a little stand so not a problem. Floor is a bit more of an issue as it is lined with some plastic stuff but the edges all have wooden planks so if I'm careful should be able to get to all the corners without melted plastic!
Hi everyone, Croatia here :frow I live in Texas, USA but I’m traveling to Europe at least 4 times a year visiting family and I still consider myself a Croat with an American address. I was just there actually, spent some time in Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia and Belgium. My next visit is scheduled for early summer.
Do I have wood ash :eek:???? Absolutely ;) our house is heated with 2 big wood burners :lau:lau!! I got scared of using it as I read that if it gets wet it can turn to lye and burn :confused: and not had time to read more into that. I was planning to use white wash as I have heard it is an excellent natural anti bug thing, I'd planned on doing it in the spring but maybe need to do it a bit sooner than that! Need to check that the building lime we have (NHL 3.5 and NHL 5 if anyone knows about these things) is OK to do it with. I think I'm happier using that than an insecticide spray for the coop. I have put some DE in thier sand bath as it is not due to rain for ages so hope they can get some benefits from that and I'll have to go and catch at least one later to see what is really happening.

No I didn't see that - there was DK something but I got a bit overwhelmed as it wasn't cheap and came in about 4 or 5 different options! I decided I'd have a look to see if there was something natural I can do that will work or if not work out which product I need before I go back in!

I use building lime.

my chickens have never had any issue with wet ash.
Hi everyone, Croatia here :frow I live in Texas, USA but I’m traveling to Europe at least 4 times a year visiting family and I still consider myself a Croat with an American address. I was just there actually, spent some time in Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia and Belgium. My next visit is scheduled for early summer.
Big welcome! I know how you feel - I post on the Aussie thread as well as ..... well I'm still an Aussie regardless of where I live!
I use building lime.

my chickens have never had any issue with wet ash.
Cool thank you!
permethrin is ok, I use it on chickens.
OK question for everyone. I checked one of my girls this evening that I managed to catch and no sign of any mites - I looked under the feathers at her neck and around her vent - nothing. Should I be looking elsewhere? Also re the permethyn powder if I do need it / find signs of bugs do I need to put i over every single mm of the chook or just in certain spots??
So I caught one of the girls and checked her vent area, the feathers / skin around her neck -and nothing - so still not sure if I have an issue or not?

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