I have been raising ducks for 7-8 years now. I have kept Pekin ducks for the last few years for meat and eggs. I have always hatched my own and never had any issues. Last year I hatched out and raised 75+ ducklings. I processed the older group and kept the new ducklings for breeders. My breeding flock is down to 10 birds at the moment. 2 drakes and 8 hens. The birds are kept in a coop with poultry netting at night and get let out to free range every day a bit after sunrise. They are given layer pellets and have access to oyster shell. I have done it this way for years without any issues.
The birds are now over a year old and are not laying. I know ducks are morning layers and I always have had eggs on the ground by the time I went to let them out in the past. I kept the birds up for the last week and still no eggs.
What could be causing this? If it continues, they will all head to the freezer and I will start over again.
The birds are now over a year old and are not laying. I know ducks are morning layers and I always have had eggs on the ground by the time I went to let them out in the past. I kept the birds up for the last week and still no eggs.
What could be causing this? If it continues, they will all head to the freezer and I will start over again.