Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Folks, what is your favorite breed if you can have HENS only -- no Roos? That is my situation and I think a lot of people like a breed owing to the beautiful roos. Sadly, the police tell me I can't have any.
That would be EE. Not being Am, they lay various shades of blue and green (or brown and white), so you technically have various breeds and colors. :thumbsup
Folks, what is your favorite breed if you can have HENS only -- no Roos? That is my situation and I think a lot of people like a breed owing to the beautiful roos. Sadly, the police tell me I can't have any.
Either Legbars, Welbars or frizzle cochin bantams. All of those have ok roosters, but it is the hens that really shine. I like the roosters of the Ams and Marans. but of those 3 breeds, I would be ok with only hens, they are prettier and friendlier than the roos.
Me TOOOOOO! Love me a big fluffy Orp. Unfortunately, l am down to only one good specimen. I bought some supposed “Imported” Orps last year and they are VERY high tailed, with no bulk or roundness. So sad.
I only have a hatchery buff orp, but she is a great chicken: Friendly, calm, hardy, and a good layer. She is not as pretty as english orps, but definitely one of my favorites. Of course, I don't really have one favorite breed, because I like so many different breeds for different reasons.
I sincerely don’t understand something. I discovered last week that the outside access door to the basement was missing the knob. I finally went to look from the basement, and the knob was picked up, and sitting by the door. The one that the guy installing the water heater used. My house is old, but I’m not the one breaking doors (seriously, almost every time someone breaks something, it’s a door. 9 now!). How are people so rough, and why has not one person mentioned it, let alone apologized?
Real question. This is ridiculous.

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