people with house chickens

Congratulations MsChickenMomma! Sunni is now a chicken celebrity!

I opened up BYC and saw that picture and said to myself "Man, that is one beautiful buff orp." And then I realized it was Sunni!
She's so gorgeous!
Hey everyone!

Been out of it for a bit. Too much to do, and no time to post!

Kyle: You've got the makings of a zoo, it sounds like! Glad to hear your flock is well, along with your non-birds!

Theresa: Always love seeing pics of your babies :) Glad it's not just me who tends to favor the roosters. They are just special, and they seem smarter than hens, don't they? Sorry to hear about the screeching keets. I'm sure that gets old pretty fast. Haha.

Kendra: I wish I could bring mine to work! I did that a few times with Phantom when he was just a little guy. He even got to chill in a limo that was staying with us for a few days!

MsChickenMomma: You must be so proud of Sunni for getting her own special place on BYC! She's certainly earned it! What a beautiful bird!

ChickieMomma: Sounds like Marilyn is getting plenty spoiled! How's she doing?

Chloe: Hope you and Finn are well! Is he still picking on Jackie? Haha.

Anyone I may have missed: Power to the house chickens!

I figured I'd post more pics today of Sterling, and the little (still unnamed Serama):

Sterling is growing like MAD! Still wants to walk right off your hand if you're not careful. Also... I thought splash for sure... Now I'm not so sure... There are no paints in the stock I got him from, but look! What do you guys/girls think, splash or paint?



And here's some random shots of the 5 Mille Fleurs, the MGB, and Sebright enjoying some sun :)


Photo bombed by a sunbathing porcelain!:


Okay.. I'm done clogging this thread with pics ;)
I identified I dusted her first then started vit water. She eats well on her own just doesn't drink on her own. So I syringe feed her vit water 30 cc/kg every 8hrs. She is getting stronger because she tries to get up and walk which is a big FAIL and makes me sad. I have no more money to buy anything else for her. I will keep on the current treatment and bathe her and spray her in permethrin tomorrow. She needs a bath anyway and I have permethrin which will kill the mites. I keep her legs and feet covered with vaseline to kill any mites that might be there too.
Kyle: we adopted a new kitten lol #6 cat. Because Maxine is missing Rambo so much since he passed away a month ago. I buried him where I can see his headstone frome my kitchen window. He was a black guardian cat. The kitten is solid black we named her Shadow bec she likes to follow us around :)
Hey everyone!

Been out of it for a bit. Too much to do, and no time to post!

Kyle: You've got the makings of a zoo, it sounds like! Glad to hear your flock is well, along with your non-birds!

Theresa: Always love seeing pics of your babies
Glad it's not just me who tends to favor the roosters. They are just special, and they seem smarter than hens, don't they? Sorry to hear about the screeching keets. I'm sure that gets old pretty fast. Haha.

Kendra: I wish I could bring mine to work! I did that a few times with Phantom when he was just a little guy. He even got to chill in a limo that was staying with us for a few days!

MsChickenMomma: You must be so proud of Sunni for getting her own special place on BYC! She's certainly earned it! What a beautiful bird!

ChickieMomma: Sounds like Marilyn is getting plenty spoiled! How's she doing?

Chloe: Hope you and Finn are well! Is he still picking on Jackie? Haha.

Anyone I may have missed: Power to the house chickens!

I figured I'd post more pics today of Sterling, and the little (still unnamed Serama):

Sterling is growing like MAD! Still wants to walk right off your hand if you're not careful. Also... I thought splash for sure... Now I'm not so sure... There are no paints in the stock I got him from, but look! What do you guys/girls think, splash or paint?


And here's some random shots of the 5 Mille Fleurs, the MGB, and Sebright enjoying some sun

Photo bombed by a sunbathing porcelain!:

Okay.. I'm done clogging this thread with pics
Hey Hows my favorite new bro doing? I haven't been on much lately either but I was starting to think you got a new hobby- yeah right with what time? Anywho, nice to hear from you again and the babies are still adorable. No my guineas are still screaming. all day and all friggin night too. just the girls. the boys are chasing them around all day and part of the night....I think my babies are not babies anymore. I am pm'ing a friend of mine on here from the guinea forum to ask her sage advice before I throttle my babies. Even my chickens are getting ****** off. Lemme know if you need help naming that little cutie and quit being a stranger.Hope everything is going good otherwise. Take care,ok.
Not sure if Marilyn is doing any better, but she is eating my high protien, high vit concoctions. Not drinking so I have to give her vit water via syringe, but have no idea how much water a chicken is supposed to drink in a day. Anyone know?? She is pooping normal, but the legs.....not so normal. Very weak and no balance. Sleepy a lot, and seems to gasp after fighting with me and the water syringe. I keep her warm on my lap with a heater or heating pad. Gonna spray her down with permethrin on her neck, butt, and under her wings. Hoping that helps. I dusted her with Diatomaceous Earth 2 days ago and no longer see live mites
Please pray for my girl she is in a bad way and I am real worried.
Hi Chickie
I don't know how Marilyn is doing now, but hope that this reaches you soon or in time. I didin't catch the whole story but I did pick up on mites. lemme tell you about mites. i spent darn near most of the summer treating my birds for mites and did the DE with no luck whatsover. Finally learned what to do and hoppe this helps. sorry i suck at typing so bear with me. The DE is only a preventative. itwont work for getting rid of the bugs. My two hens were COVERED in live bugs, chicken lice, with huge nits on thier vents. This is the primary laying area (no pun intended) for mites and lice because of the warmth and dampness provides an optimal survival and breeding ground for them... What finally worked and I have been lice free for months now is Livestock grade (bovine) pourmon ivermectin... it is sold under the generic name Agrimectin. It comes with a syringe but not an injectable med for poultry. The syringe only helps to pinpoint exactly where you want the med to land. On skin not feathers... two drops for banty or three for large fowl. No kidding my birds were clear within days. I hope this helps you.I was going out of my mind (I'll admit that would be a short trip) trying to get rid of these stupid creepy bugs but it works. if you have any questions you can pm me any time and i would be more than happy to tell you what i can to help.. good luck.
Congratulations MsChickenMomma! Sunni is now a chicken celebrity! :weee :ya
I opened up BYC and saw that picture and said to myself "Man, that is one beautiful buff orp." And then I realized it was Sunni! :lol:  She's so gorgeous! :love

Thanks! She is such a little beauty. :D She knows it too. lol

Hey everyone!

Been out of it for a bit. Too much to do, and no time to post!

Kyle: You've got the makings of a zoo, it sounds like! Glad to hear your flock is well, along with your non-birds!

Theresa: Always love seeing pics of your babies :) Glad it's not just me who tends to favor the roosters. They are just special, and they seem smarter than hens, don't they? Sorry to hear about the screeching keets. I'm sure that gets old pretty fast. Haha.

Kendra: I wish I could bring mine to work! I did that a few times with Phantom when he was just a little guy. He even got to chill in a limo that was staying with us for a few days!

MsChickenMomma: You must be so proud of Sunni for getting her own special place on BYC! She's certainly earned it! What a beautiful bird!

ChickieMomma: Sounds like Marilyn is getting plenty spoiled! How's she doing?

Chloe: Hope you and Finn are well! Is he still picking on Jackie? Haha.

Anyone I may have missed: Power to the house chickens!

I figured I'd post more pics today of Sterling, and the little (still unnamed Serama):

Sterling is growing like MAD! Still wants to walk right off your hand if you're not careful. Also... I thought splash for sure... Now I'm not so sure... There are no paints in the stock I got him from, but look! What do you guys/girls think, splash or paint?



And here's some random shots of the 5 Mille Fleurs, the MGB, and Sebright enjoying some sun :)


Photo bombed by a sunbathing porcelain!:


Okay.. I'm done clogging this thread with pics ;)


Wow, Sterling is growing like crazy! I don't know much about Silkies, so I don't really have any input on the breed. :)

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