I’m thinking of taking Brew on a big walk/kind of hike at some point soon lol apparently they cleared the path to the trails finally and put brand new bog boards down so you can actually walk and it’s not in the mud or poison ivy/brush anymore LOL someone posted on FB last night about it. It looks really nice!!! So I’m thinking of going over there at some point. But I’ll probably keep him on a leash or the long line. Maybe not the 30 foot one though cause he can still get into trouble that way lol but maybe like the 15 foot one or something? Or just the normal 6 foot leash should be fine too. Idk. I just don’t really want him running off to play with 5 million other dogs anymore LOL he used to but it worries me now lol not cause of him but cause of them lol
I really wanna do the trail now but sunset is soon (like 10ish minutes) and then it gets dark soon after that so probably not a great idea lol so instead I’m thinking tomorrow early like 6am or even 5:30am lol but I might still try a tiny very short part of it today. Idk. We will see LOL
We need to do Brew’s nails. Bad. He jumped on me this morning protecting me from a spider that unexpectedly dropped down from the ceiling (I screamed. He killed it.) and poked a small hole in my pants and scraped my leg. 😬🙃🙈
Brew did really good on our walk tonight!!!!! There was another dog and he started reacting and I was like no Brewster no! And reeled him in and hit the vibrate button for his collar and he stopped and kept walking even when they passed right next to us. It was amazing lol totally different dog 🤣😭

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