Permanently Broody Hen

Loving my girls

Jun 22, 2022
Tilly is a leghorn cross, she looks totally leghorn but lays blue eggs so clearly a cross.
She’s an adorable hen, very friendly and very tame.
Unfortunately she is a really broody hen and a few weeks ago she went broody.
My normal course of action is the dog crate. It was originally for a golden retiever so it’s pretty big. I put it onto upside down large plant pots in each corner so it is stable. I have two crate bowls on the side for, you guessed it, food and water.
After 5 days I took her out. She went straight back into the nesting box. No attitude, wattle nice and red again.
So, I put her back into the slammer again, after another 5 days she came out.
After a good old dust bath, she ran back into the nesting box again.
Then I resorted to cold baths. I hate doing this but I put about four inches of cold water and hold her in there for 30 mins. Not deep in just covering her tummy. If she poops she comes out instantly and the water is changed.
Four or five hours later I do the same again.
Last time this worked but not this time.
Ive run out of ideas, can anyone advise ?
Hi Guys,
I’ve just had to give her another dunk. Tomorrow I plan to move the Slammer (dog cage) onto our terrace and put a fan on her (low setting) 24/7.
She’s turned from Dr Jekyll to Mr Hyde again 😳
This month we are due to have an average temperature of 40c (104f) so I am beginning to re-nag hubby for an air conditioning unit in the hen house.
That is NOT helping matters.

Do you have a space inside the house you can keep her in her crate? Preferably somewhere near a lot of activity? That might make her break.
I am trying to keep the cage where there is a breeze but, as you say, the weather isn’t on our side. There is barely any air movement.
We have guests staying at the moment so bringing a chicken inside would be … awkward 😬
Good idea about bringing her inside though 🤔 got a couple of ideas.
Needs thought and a lot of hugs for hubby.
What are your feelings about letting her sit on pot eggs ?
Will she eat or should I put food next to her in the nesting box, the same with water.
I already have clips in there where I put an ice pack on the side which I change twice a day.

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