Persian cat trouble

These breeds are know for this
and if they are declawed they are worse
and things i have done, as i raise them
is if i get a cat that is doing this or starts is to
get a pen of some sort (Wire dog crate works the best)
and put them in there for most of the day and take out to eat and to play but other than leave them in there till the use the litter box all the time and then start letting out more after they have use the litter box ,for at least a week or 2 .
And you may have to keep the litter box in the crate but this does work as i have bought 3 2 years old cats and then found out that they did not use the litter box
Now this only for cats that have seen vets and they rule out and heath problems that may cause this
And in no way does mean this work for you it just means i have use it and it works
And they can go for a while and never miss then start doing it again then i just start over
pm me if you want more info
This is what I would do:
Get a new box that is different than the one they have. If it's covered, try uncovered (vice versa) or if it has tall sides, try shorter sides, etc.
Put different litter in it. If you're using scoopable clay, try Feline Pine or something different than the scoop-clay.
Where is the box located? Is their food or water near the box? Make sure it is scooped several times a day at least.
Sounds, to me, like a litter problem if they are going right next to it, they understand that they are supposed to be going in that area but for whatever reason they don't want to go IN the box...cats are inclined to go in something they can cover up and get away from. If they don't like the texture or smell of the litter or if the box is too cramped for them to comfortably posture in then they may choose not to use it.
Give them several options, even if it means having 2-3-4 boxes and types of litter around until they find one they like.
I'd try anything to keep mine from using the floor!
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