/Pet/ Duck Breeds?

x2! Thats what im getting next week. I heard they are very social. I was going to get them for their eggs but then I saw that they were very social so I guess it was just a plus.
true. Especialy if you find a good strain. i've seen breeds of animals that are said to be one thing but certain animals within a strain may vary completly in personality.
If you like the look of Rouens, get them! They are wonderful pets! They are so playful and entertaining
MetzerFarms.com does a lovely comparison of ducks.

Also consider what you find good in a pet. Do you want to cuddle - because then, you may only want one. Do you like to watch them swim? Do you want to watch them run through your lawn eating bugs? Do you like to clean a duck toilet - because that is what a small pool becomes quickly.

Mine are bug-eating lawn ornaments. The Pekin drakes love to hang with people, but I never really handled any of my birds. The flying Mallards are pretty, and love to dive underwater and swim. They are just learning to fly.

I just ordered 8 Indian Runners because they are supposed to run fast through the gardens without tramping plants. (My fat Pekins stomp everything down and want to stay inside the fenced yard and gardens. My chickens and Mallards go out in the open yard every day.)

I like the pretty colors of ducks. I believe duckweed and other plants can make their plummage more beautiful.
I'm looking for cute ducks, but I don't really care much about if they're a pure bread whatever, I want them to be happy, and friendly with humans, and playful. I'd like to be able to watch them and have them eat out of my hand and such, I'm not looking for all of them to want to sit in my lap and be around me all the time, but I don't think that would be a bad thing either xD I dunno, I'm just kinda thinking they're cute and it sounds like a good experience

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