Photo Critique Club

Post #1300 go look at it and vote below

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Looks a lot better. It took me a long time before I realized you could click on "visualize spots" in the bottom left corner when you open the healing brush in lightroom. Makes all the spots very easy to see...
Dog What GIF

I was today years old when I learned this. I usually drag them into photoshop and spot heal with some "invert colors" to find the really pesky ones
That's bad... Was that just from your polarizer, or was that actually in your camera? The edit looks good.
it was a combination of dust in between the screw-on polarizer and lens, and some blown-in dust on the outside of the polarizer from the storm. I cleaned it and shot later last night, no issues with the same setup. MOST of it was under the polarizer, because I dumb. :)

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