Photo Critique Club

Post #1784 - Which one do you like best? Please vote and explain why in a reply

  • Total voters
, @21hens-incharge, @5Australorpasaures, @Addicted To Chickens, @AGeese, @aimee750, @akroberts1085, @AMM10, @Antiocheggers, @AntiqueB, @Azhtann, @azurbanclucker, @BackroadGirl57, @BalancedRock, @bantamsrmyfav, @BantyChooks, @BarbJeanne, @Barbours, @Barnette, @Bawkbok, @BDutch, @BigBlueHen53, @bill3607, @Blue Raptor, @Brooks_, @Calista_, @CarpCharacin, @casportpony, @CatLoverLu, @CCsGarden, @Chicken_tiger_catt, @Cluckerdoodle, @CombNWattles, @cueball, @Cynthia12, @DaffytheDuck20, @Debbie292d, @Devyn Nagy, @Ditsydaisy, @Egg Farm Chicken People, @Eggs_Over_EZ, @EmmaDonovan, @Evadig, @Everose, @Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies, @ForestPhoenix, @gimmie birdies, @GirlsHuntToo, @GodLovesU, @Grannys Backyard Chicks, @Happy hen lover, @HerdAndHome, @HollowOfWisps, @HorseGirlAbby, @Ifitaintbroke, @Ilovechickens2525, @ILoveDaffy, @ilovemybabychickies, @Ingrid_Grace, @Insnesnakos, @JacinLarkwell, @Jenbirdee, @Jener8or, @jillybeansisme, @Kaw-Liga, @Kay-T-Hammer, @Kiki, @KingD, @ksbkeys, @KyCoop, @Lacy Duckwing, @LaFleche, @lagrange chicks, @Lazy Farmer, @LilFinnGirl, @Liz Birdlover, @LoanswithLaurieB, @Love Donkeys, @Lovely Lettie, @Loving my girls, @MamaPoult, @McChooky, @McPickle88, @MotherofOrpies, @muddy75, @My Very First 6 Chickens, @NagemTX, @Nifty-Chicken, @Nodakj, @Nomadicus, @notabitail, @Nym, @Pampered chicken girl, @Patiocoturnix, @Pork Pie, @PostageStampRanch, @Predoggg, @Preston Bowslaugh, @R2elk, @RadEggs, @Rebechenson75, @Rick589, @RossAcres, @Sally PB, @Sammster, @SandyRiverChick, @Shabby Chic-Hens, @ShrekDawg, @SilverChic, @SkyAJK, @Somewhere_In_The_Clouds, @sourland, @Sparrows, @StinkyAcres, @SunriseChickers, @swampfox440, @SwampPrincessChick, @Tahai, @talkinboutchickens, @TaxladyEA, @TeresaW, @The cheek coop, @The Chick Addict, @The Chickens' Maid, @The Coop Crew, @The Moonshiner, @theoldchick, @tigger19687, @Tozan, @tranquiliti, @tripletfeb, @User690263, @Vicker, @WarWagon, @Yard Farmer, @Zobot0110
I started a poll - Please vote for your favorite:

And reply why you like it!:celebrate
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